iPhone 5 Apps- It's Getting Real

The British Royals are the new black.
This family just can't go wrong right now.

First we get to see Harry naked partying in Vegas.
Now Kate is caught laying out topless.
I love it.
 I had no idea this family was so fun.
And if you want me to sit here and tell you I didn't spend about 25 minutes this morning googling:
Kate Middleton Topless
I'd be lying.
However, even though I'm probably adding to the problem by being a creepy perv and looking at them,
I do feel bad for Katie and any repercussions that might come her way because of this.
She was with her husband on vacation, it's not like she was on Spring Break.
And if she was on spring break, who cares. If you think only chubby college girls like beads, you're wrong!
If we live in a world where you can no longer sunbathe topless
while vacationing in the south of France, well then I don't want to live in this world.
It's ludicrous.
Next time I'm in France I will definitely be topless.
And yes, I'm pretending to be a "Parisian Smoker." I don't want yellow teeth. Gross.

Except for the fact I don't get to France often, and I am way tooooo modest to go topless.
Other than that, I would.

Next big news.

Holler if you hear me. Is anyone else excited about this?
Given my history with iPhones
(I've broke seven screens, and am currently using a cracked one at the moment)
I am definitely getting this.
People are going nuts for this phone around here.
And there's a lot of rumors flying around about how cool it is
and all of the new crazy apps it will have.

Here's a few I've heard that sound kinda interesting...

It has a Steve Jobs app where you can literally text him in heaven- and he responds!
Jobs Up Above App

It has a app where you can find out you're pregnant before you've even had intercourse.
Before the Deed App
{Because sometimes you just can't wait}

It has an app where you can finally identify who just farted! Like Shazam only:
Shitzam App

Need a kidney? There's an app for that!
Kidneymatch.com App

Need a sperm donor? You guessed it! You don't even have to go to the sperm bank anymore.
Spermagram App
{it also lets you take cool pics}

Stay the Hell Away App
This is a good app for boys. It can pick up on any girls menstruating in the room.

And of course there's just some fun frivolous apps as well like,

The Casey Anthony App
This is supposed to be a lie detector. I've heard it's a little faulty.

Doin it Duggar App
I've heard this is some sort of weird reproductive game?

Gaydar App
If you move your phone in a figure 8 motion it will apparently pick up on all of the
homosexuals around.
and vice versa with the:
Straightdar App
*disclaimer: be careful who you use this around.

What Would Lindsay Lohan Do App
You type in a question, and then it will tell you what Lindsay Lohan would do.
For best life results you should then do the exact opposite.

And then there's some cool safety apps like

The Sandusky App
It will inform you of all of the pedophiles in positions of authority within a 20 mile radius!

Am I Too Drunk App
It basically works like a breathalyzer.

And that's about as inappropriate as I'm going to get today.
(Jk. It is Friday, after all.)

 Speaking of phones, if you're like me and are always looking for a new cute case,
check out this site.
They're all hand crafted with love and very affordable! Very affordable.
Support your local (blogger) artists!

On that note of support-
buy my inappropriate "children's book" as well.
Get Your Bottle On

And now I'm going to get my Friday on.
Hope you do the same!
Dina Lohan


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