When a Dog Sends Your Dog a Bday Message...

Everyone once in awhile a really great blogger comes along who...
who has a dog that likes to send other dogs birthday messages.
I'm talking about this girl.
Amanda at This IS My Real Hair.
As well as her adorable (and very considerate, I must say) pooch, Kalie.

Naturally, I thought this was hilarious, and oh so sweet.
But I'm not going to pretend it didn't make me doubt my dog-parenting skills.
Have I raised Harlow to be the type of dog who will some day send other dogs bday wishes?
I just don't know.
I mean, I'd like to think I have. But then again, Harlow still licks his ass in public
and doesn't think twice about stealing other dog's toys at the park.
So I'm just not sure his social skills are quite developed yet.

But I'm not going to say anymore and instead let you meet a really great blogger
who you should all be following.
Like now....

Hi guys! I’m Amanda

 I blog over/goof off at this is my real hair
Basically a blog devoted to whatever I feel like at any given moment.
It’s honestly pretty random... come to think of it, that is really the true definition of my personality as well, utterly random. So there was this one time when I was like
“oh good lord, how can I grow this beast of a blog?” And then I thought to myself
 “duhhh. I can pimp it out all over Taylor’s awesome blog.”
Then she agreed to make everyone like me as much as I like her! So here we are.
 Let’s get to that pimping then, shall we? If you read my blog at all you are well aware, or if you are planning to read my blog you will learn that I LOVE Starbucks.
Like a heroin addict needs heroin, I need my Starbucks. As an expert on the subject,
I find ordering at Starbucks to be an important topic. I hate it when you are at
Target (or somewhere similar) where they decided it would be a great idea, and so convenient,
to put a Starbucks. You know, the place where the general public thinks,
“Oh I’m going to go get a large coffee.”
 Ew. No you are not. So here are just a couple things that I think are most important to remember when you are trying to order at any Starbucks:

  • Keep it Fast and dirty… er wait… nvm that’s right.
  • Know the sizes. And no! A large is not a size!! This is Starbucks. Not McDonalds.

  • Short. Tall. Grande. Venti. Trenta. The end. Photobucket 

    Practice them. Learn them. Love them. Don’t make the barista’s brain stutter by needing to convert your “large” to a grande. Okay!?
     Soo absolutely annoying.

  • Don’t be in line without knowing what you want.

  • “ummm what do you have that’s cold? Oh… uhh… does that have coffee in it?” PLEASE. GO. AWAY! I hope you all got as much out of that as I wanted you to. Trust me you are definitely better for learning it! Don’t worry, there is so much more to my blog than just Starbucks. I have a boy, a dog, and some pretty crazy characters that I spend a lot of time with.

     There is always something entertaining happening, if not hilarious, the most certainly embarrassing for somebody. 
    So make sure you come and see what’s going on over at this is my real hair.

    Told you she was worth your three minutes.

    {Sidenote: this giveaway is still going on for a few more days.
    So get signed up!}

    And then follow me on instagram @taylorgracewolfe
    Twitter @TheDailyTay
    Facebook @ The Daily Tay


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