Laugh Factory Part II

So I gave the Laugh Factory another go last night. And I don't know if it's the weather changing, or the fact that Harlow's been at camp for three weeks, but I'm starting to get more and more addicted to doing stand-up.

I don't know, it's just a cheap thrill that I can't seem to get enough of lately. I'd like to think I'm getting more comfortable on stage, but I'm pretty sure I still black out for about 75% of the act. One second I'm grabbing the mic saying hello, and the next second the red light is blinking telling me my time is almost over. It's seriously the weirdest time warp I've ever experienced.

Because Chris doesn't love me wasn't able to make it last night, I got bold and asked the host if he wouldn't mind grabbing a few photos for me. I figured he'd judge me for it, but thought what the hell. I could either a. admit I'm a blogger or b. tell him the photos were for my mom. 

What do you think I said?

"My mom's from Nebraska and she like doesn't get what a comedy club is, so like, would you take a few photos? For my mom..." Sorry mom, I didn't mean to throw you under the bus, we both know you've been to more comedy clubs than I have, but I had no other choice. Admitting I'm a blogger to a comedian would have given him way too much material. And it didn't help that I was the only female onstage for the night. 

Creepy comedy hunch is in full force here.

As you can see the lighting isn't exactly forgiving on my light skin and light hair... In fact, if I stand in front of the sign I pretty much disappear completely into the wall like that serial killer from the old Lifetime movie When A Stranger Calls.  And now I'm officially freaked out remembering that movie. If you haven't seen it, don't. You will have nightmares until you are nineteen and an unnecessary phobia of thinking there is always a person painted into a brick wall.

Wonder what part I'm going into here? I bet it's the "Hey look if I raise my left arm high enough I become Bethany Hamilton" bit. I'm kidding, that's not in my act. B Hamilton is an inspiration and my personal hero and she knows that. Big shout to her on her wedding this past week by the way. Really though, Soul Surfer is like my favorite movie. Carrie Underwood is one of the most underrated Christian actresses, if you ask me.

Anyway, here's one more blurry photo for your enjoyment.

I've had a few of you kind souls out there ask about seeing a clip of said stand-up, just to make sure I'm actually doing it and not just taking photographs on stage I'm sure, I didn't take any video last night but I assure you it will be coming.

And that's all I've got. Now I need to get ready for Harlow's homecoming. It's been nearly three weeks since we sent him off to camp for the second time this summer because of all our of our out-of-town weddings and I've missed him so bad. Streamers are about to be hung and peanut butter toys need to be filled. I also need to get some toys ready for Harlow as well... Wait for it.

Happy Thursday.

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