Twerking & Spinning

So... notice anything new around here? Thanks to the amazing Sarah, The Daily Tay got a little face lift. I don't want to be annoying and boast about how cute I think my blog is, but I can't help myself. Sarah just did a wonderful job and literally created exactly what I asked for. I feel like I can't do her justice trying to explain to all of you what a great experience it was working with her, but it simply was. I sent her like three ideas and she was somehow able to magically capture everything I was hoping for, including all of the adorable pages you see above. She's just so darn talented I can barely handle it. So basically I would recommend Sarah ten times over to anyone who is thinking about getting a new blog design. Stop thinking about it, just contact her already. You won't regret it. 

And now on to other things...

Like the fact I’ve discovered something more intimidating than doing stand-up. It’s called taking a new exercise class in an unfamiliar setting. I was reminded today how awful it is to feel out of your comfort zone and like a total idiot. I won’t get into details as to why I decided to be adventurous and try a spin class downtown this morning at 7:00 a.m., but I did. Turns out “spin classes” have changed a bit since the last time I dabbled in the sport. If memory serves, my most recent spin class was in 1994 in my parent’s basement on their gold Schwinn Air-Dyne. And let me tell you, that baby could really get going. If you pedaled fast enough the fan between your legs actually whistled as if cheering you on. And if you pedaled really fast, you could get the speedometer to completely spin out of control just in time to jump off the bike to watch in delight as the bike pedaled itself.
Anyway, when I walked into this facility, a facility just for “spinners” I might add, I knew I was in over my head when they asked me what size of shoes I’d like. 

“Oh I brought my own, thanks though,” I said as I showed the woman behind the desk my sassy new Nikes so she knew I wasn’t kidding around.

She shook her head no and showed me the soccer cleats I was supposed to rent instead. Perhaps they weren’t actually soccer cleats, but that’s what they felt like, and that’s how they sounded when I awkwardly walked around the place hoping I didn’t look like as big of an ass hat as I felt. I followed the rest of the spinners into a dark room full of bikes. From there it was up to me to figure out how to adjust the bike, and even worse, how I was supposed to lock my soccer cleats into the pedals. I’m not an idiot, but when I feel slightly uncomfortable and think that everyone is watching me (which they weren’t) every second I couldn't figure out how to lower my seat felt like 100 minutes. Eventually the kind girl next to me showed me how to do it.

The class started with the instructor announcing, “Happy Friday everyone! What a great way to start the morning, I seriously wouldn’t rather be anywhere else, or doing anything else. Like seriously.”

And then I couldn’t help but feel bad for the instructor. I mean I could think of about ten places I’d rather be, just off the top of my head; in my bed, the beach, on vacation, in bed, drinking a Bloody, on my couch, in bed, at Starbucks, just to name a few. But the girl had to do her job and I got that. 

And from that moment on, the biggest challenge of the forty-five minute spin class for me was trying to figure out what time it was. But there wasn’t a clock in the room, I know because I checked every single corner and crack looking for one. You know how some people say times flies when they workout? Well they’re lying. I think time actually stops. Or it certainly slows down. Numerous times the instructor would yell “just a couple more seconds!” Do you know what a couple means? Two. As in one, two. Yet we’d pedal for at least thirty more. Because time slows down. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being active, I could walk/run Harlow for days and absolutely love it. Same goes for yoga or barre classes, I just don’t think spin classes are my thing, not until I buy some padded shorts anyway. 

Not to mention I was completely confused every time Barbara Bicycle would get super excited and start yelling at all of us to "Twerk! Twerk!" She wanted us to twerk? I mean I guess it made sense, we were all in a dark room with techo/club music playing. Is this how the kids work out these days I wondered? Just as I was about to unlatch my soccer cleats and give my best Miley Cyrus version of twerking, I realized she was actually yelling "torque! torque!" as in she wanted us to increase our resistance. Now I just felt silly. And also inspired to start a spin/twerking class.

All in all, I will admit I felt kinda good after it was all said and done. It was 8:00 a.m. and I already had a killer workout under my belt. But then I remembered the shitty part; I had to bike home. I feel like that's as bad as having to run home from a track meet.

To make up for the fact I accidentally strayed from doing a Best Week Ever recap today, (sorry!) I'm going to give you all a chance to win a custom phone case from my new favorite site, Casetagram.  I have to share with you the adorable case I made a few weeks ago for my iphone-
It's just all my favorite things in one place. The hardest part about designing the case was simply choosing which photos I wanted to use from my Instagram. Other than that, it's easy peasy. If you'd like to win your own case just enter below!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the calm before the storm.... the storm of football season is just seven days away. GOOOOOOOOOOO BIG RED. GO BIG RED. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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