Why Wednesday...

Asking why... because I've started three other posts and deleted them all.

Why is blogging so hard in the summer?
Reading blogs, writing blogs, finding blogs, everything blog related is ten times more difficult when the sun is shining and a beer garden is open.

Why do I occasionally browse the "popular page" on Instagram?
Because I never like what I find.
The teenage boys (who look like like they're ten)
with their shirts off, biting their lip, never cease to freak me out.

Better yet, why do teenage boys think hundreds of the exact same selfie are okay anyway?
Wait I know why, because they get millions of likes.
I need to learn to stay off that damn popular page, it haunts me for days.

Why is it that whenever someone just texts "call me" I immediately assume everyone I know has been in a terrible plane crash, or something equally as terrible.
Moral of the story- don't ever just text "call me."

Why do cashiers always try to force me to donate a dollar at the end of my transaction?
Back in the day, I always gave in. But now I donate to charities I choose, on my own time.
Regardless, I still can't help but feel like every time I say "no" the cashier looks at me like I'm actually saying, "no, screw that damn charity."

Why do iphone chargers seem to disappear just as fast as hair ties?
Who in the hell is coming to my house and stealing our chargers along with all of my blonde colored hair ties and bobby pins? Who??? Whoever they are, I bet they took all of Chris's earbuds, as well.

Why do people choose not to flush in public restrooms?
And then why do I choose to act like whatever is in said public toilet will jump out at me if I don't get the hell out of that stall as fast as possible?
Why don't I just politely flush it, with my foot of course. I could easily do this and yet I never do.

Likewise, how come whenever someone tries to enter the stall I'm in and they say,
"Oh, I'm sorry!" I typically respond with, "oh it's okay!"
Because I think we all know, it's really not okay.
And is it really true boys don't have stalls? I just can't grasp this one.
Can you imagine if girls didn't have stalls? Like seriously, think about that one for a second...

Why do I always feel the need to push "door close" on an elevator?
If I see someone coming, I won't do it. I'm not that big of an ass (unless I'm in a hurry.)
But there's just something so gratifying about being alone in an elevator.

Why will I go months without buying something I really need, like new razors, more hangers, 
or something like baking soda,
and yet I won't think twice about going out of my way to buy a bottle of wine, or a DQ blizzard?

Why is paying $1.99 for something in real life not a big deal, 
but if I see an app in the app store for that much it seems more like $100.99?
And I'll usually agonize over buying it for several weeks...

Why did someone invent duvet covers?
And why do we all use them? Having to put a duvet cover on is a silent reminder to me that the devil does exist.

Why is it so thrilling to realize you and someone you just met, know someone in common?
What can really be done with that information after that point? Really though?

And that's all I've got.
I promise to have something much better for tomorrow.


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