Post Weekend Depression

I think I'm finally starting to feel like myself again today.
See, I suffer from a disorder known as Post Weekend Depression, or PWD.
A few triggers can set it off, but the most common ones are vacations, weddings,
and holidays- i.e. 4th of July.
(see pics below)

From playing with American Girl Dolls, to real life baby dolls! Lola and Cruz.
*Lola insisted she keep her head like that, I swear I tried to move it.

 I will never get over the thrill of tubing.

My dad and Har at the head of the boat.

Harlow, Vandal, and Chase. 

Harlow's "smile."

Fireworks at the lake!

So I think you can understand why I'm having some withdrawals.
The symptoms of PWD usually involve not being able to get out of bed in the morning,
the inability to find any clean clothes, the lack of desire to comb one's hair,
eating lunch before it's even 11 a.m., difficulty paying attention,
and just an overall feeling of hating the world.
I suffered greatly yesterday.
For starters, I woke up and ate a red,white, and blue sugar cookie for breakfast.
(Only because the milk had spoiled while we were gone so I couldn't have cereal,
or so I told myself...)
For lunch, which happened approximately forty minutes after breakfast, I ate a can of black beans and tortilla chips. It's safe to say we were a bit low on groceries yesterday. My options were beans, peanut butter, or tuna. I think I made the right choice, only because the peanut butter was Harlow's jar.
He gets real pissy when he thinks someone's been stealing his PB, which is understandable really.
Speaking of Harlow, after more than two weeks at summer camp he was suffering from PWD just as much as I was yesterday. He didn't get out of bed until noon! Noon!
And when he did get up, it was only to go to the bathroom and order Dominos.
So with Harlow down and out, and me not feeling good either, I decided yesterday was probably a good day to stay in bed and send some work emails.
But even that didn't go ever so well, I would start to construct an email and then just stare at it for hours like it was written in braille.
It was one of those days where I couldn't figure out how I was going to get everything accomplished I needed to, so instead I opted to do none of it.
Anyone else ever struggle with that? Or am I the only loser here?
Sometimes I'll have so much to do it just overwhelms to the point of saying screw it all,
I need to watch RHNJ instead. But I swear this is just a side affect of my PWD. 
Usually I'm Jenny-Productive.

The only thing that pulled me out of my funk yesterday was my class at IO.
My new teacher is... scary as hell. But really good.
He will stop a scene ten seconds in and say something like,
"I was worried that was going to be awful, and it was."
I get so nervous before it's my turn to go on stage I practically blackout.
But he knows exactly what we're doing wrong and calls us out on it immediately.
It terrifies me and I love it.

And on that note, I need to figure out if I'm going to be brave enough to try some new standup material tomorrow at the Laugh Factory.
Although I'm starting to think it's time I move on to a more normal hobby,
like making door wreaths or collecting Mason Jars.
Wish me luck.

PS- check back for a follow up on yesterdays post called, Things Bloggers Hate. 
Oddly enough, this list might be even longer...

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