Things Bloggers Love

1. Posts about blogging. 
Am I right, or am I right? We just all love talking shop. Isn't that why you popped over here today?

2. Gifs.
Need I say more?

3. Growing our blog.
Bloggers love to watch their blog grow. It's like our own little Chia pet.

4. OOTDs.
Took me way too long to figure out this means Outfit Of The Day posts.

5. Shout-outs.
Especially when it happens to come from (gasp!) a bigger blogger than yourself.
Those are the best, but in general they're all pretty nice.

6. Taking photos of our feet in front of water.

7. Taking photos of booze.

8. Taking photos in general. 
While I may not enjoy being in photos, I will admit I love taking photos of just about anything and everything else.

9. Bloggers love Sydney and Taza.
These two are the founders of blogging, right?

10. Creating pretty little images on PicMonkey.
(Like the one you see above...)

Likes on Instagram, likes on Facebook, likes on Bloglovin, we really like them all.

12. Observing drama.
I don't partake in drama, but when I see a good train wreck going down on Twitter I'm not going to sit here and pretend it doesn't kind of entertain me. I'm ashamed of myself for this, but it's still true.

13. Getting free stuff.
I love love love getting stuff sent to me in the mail.

14. Making blog friends.
That first time you and your blog friend take your friendship to texting is like being a kid and calling your new friend on the phone for the first time.

15. Taking Selfies.
In the bathroom, in the car, in the bedroom, wherever there's a mirror there's a way.

And lastly, bloggers love social media.
Every last bit of it.

Stay tuned next week for a follow-up called
Things Bloggers Don't Love....

*A full recap of 4th of July will come shortly.
Right now I'm suffering from major PWD (Post Weekend Depression) to do anything productive.


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