Saturday Takeover

Introducing Erin from The Party Girl's Guide.
the story of me, my manfriend, and our dog Fred as we try not to go crazy living in a super small town...

 1. Tell us a little about yourself.

I recently turned 28, so I am officially old as dirt.  During the day I plan events and try to market things for a museum….I am still not really used to being a grown up and occasionally get caught painting my nails in my office or napping at my desk.  I live in Maryland with my boyfriend Jose, we are extremely romantic, I even gave him a wet willy last night.  We have a dog named Fred and are pretty much your typical parents who try to buy his love and feed him too many treats, we also constantly argue about who he loves more. I am a big fan of records, text messaging, reality TV, all other TV, eating, and stiff drinks.

2.  Why is your blog called The Party Girl's Guide?

For as long as I can remember people have described me as a Party Girl, I used to get offended by that but probably because I was drinking gin and I tend to get mean on gin.  These days I embrace it.  I worked as a bartender for a lot of years which pretty much goes hand in hand with partying; college taught me many things including how to out drink most grown men.  After college I became an event planner, which is wild to think people pay me to plan parties.  I love to throw shindigs at my own house too, seriously for any reason…give me one and I will decorate and buy the booze.  I’m really more of a reformed party girl these days as I only binge drink once a week, but honestly I created the blog back when that number was a little higher and I decided to stick with the title.

 3.  Speaking of, what is your idea of a really great party?

Back in my hay day I would have said a frat party with free booze and extra roofies, but now I just love to have friends over for fancy appetizers and a few too many drinks.  I typically get pretty drunk when the party is at my house and wake up to find beer bottles all over the floor and lawn, strange objects in the tub, my midnight snacks all over the place, and pizza rolls in my coat pocket.  The best party however is hands down a Christmas party of any kind.
If I can wear a Santa hat and listen to Mariah Carey, life is good.

4. What's life like living in a "super small town" as you call it?

I moved to rural Maryland from the Detroit area about 2 years ago for my job.  Detroit gets a bad rap but it is actually a really nice place to live.  There is a lot to do; tons of culture, a great music scene, good restaurants, museums, shopping, bars, more bars…pretty much everything I enjoy in life.  The town I currently reside in has a population of about 5,000 which is small as heck.  There are farms everywhere, zero good bars, and a LOT of hillbillies.  On my drive to work I pass more horses than cars.  The good thing is there is a ton of outdoorsy shit to do, which I like as well
(but not as much as shopping or bars).

5. Any last tid bits you'd liket o add?
The only tough part about moving across the country is missing my family.  They refuse to get with the times and use Facebook like regular Americans so I can’t keep up with their antics the same way I do with my friends.  I have a younger sister who is way older than me because she has kids and a minivan, a dad who is known as The Warden, a mom who enjoys being referred to as Big Sandy, and a sassy uncle named Kenny who has Down’s syndrome
(I love him more than red wine and Target put together, you would too).
You will hear about them a lot on my blog because they are the best in the (mid) west.


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