Atlas Brewing Company & Bold Butter Bakery

So you know those couples who never go on "date nights" so when they do it's always a big deal?
That's not Chris and I. We are both foodies, so we go out to eat a lot. We go out so much it's not even called a "date" for us, it's called an occurrence pretty much. I'm not saying we're fancy shmancy people, we'll eat from the Mexican truck down the block and be completely content with it. Last nights dinner wasn't a food truck, however. We decided to go to Atlas Brewing Company, just a hop, skip, and jump away from us on Lincoln Avenue.

I should also note here that Chris and I love bar food. And this place had a lot of good options. Just look at the menu, so much goodness going on.

Naturally, Chris ordered the wings to start.

Tommy want wingy. 

This is how Chris feels about wings. We order them everywhere, which means I've had to become a wing fanatic, as well. 

Atlas's wings were covered in a light Asian sauce that I absolutely loved. They're the type of wings that won't leave you feeling like you're about to have a heart attack when you're finished. Which is a good thing.

For my main course I ordered two short rib tacos and one chicken taco. Very fresh, very good.

 Chris got the fish and chips. Kind of an odd summer choice perhaps, but they were delicious never the less. Plus we can never leave a restaurant without getting a few fries at some point.

Long story short, this place has great service and great food. It was also on a quieter part of Lincoln Avenue so we were able to sit outside and actually enjoy the night. I frequently get emails from Chicago bound travelers asking where to eat, so if you're in the mood to get away from downtown (which why wouldn't you be?!?) I'd definitely recommend this stop in Lincoln Park.

And now let's talk about dessert. As in this cookie that can only be described as a little treat of caloric heaven, created by the one and only Bold Butter Bakery. Did I mention it's named after me, as well?
Introducing the Taylor Cookie.

Look at it again. Now imagine eating it warm with a glass of cold milk. It's just too much. The mastermind behind this online bakery is the one and only Brin from Bold Butter Baby. Initially I just liked her blog because she is unfiltered and sometimes wildly offensive (and hysterical.) Which I kinda happen to enjoy. But she's also extremely creative in the kitchen, as well.

I asked Brin a few questions and here's what she had to say.

1. Let's talk about your new online bakery. Give me the deets, what's it all about?

Homemade baked goods delievered to your doorstep. Also if you live locally in Lincoln, NE I can deliver for FREE! Here's where you can order!   (You can link that to one of the words and not make it just an added link like this)

2. Have you always been a little Betty Crocker in the kitchen?

Totally! That all comes from my Mom. She is one of the best cooks/bakers ever. I'll never forget when she offered to bake 50 pies for my After Prom. She delivered some of the most delicious pies ever.

3. You're starting to name a few cookies and bars after bloggers, where did you get the idea for this? 

Well the first brownie in the shop was called 'The Cyndee Brownie' and that was after my mom. Then people liked that idea and since a lot of people that read my blog are bloggers I thought it would only be fitting to go on with that theme.

4. You've mentioned on your blog your mom is a baking inspiration for you, what was the favorite thing she made for you growing up?

Only one thing? Geez... I think my favorite thing (and this isn't really baking but so damn delicious) Duggar Pie. As in like THE Duggar's. We religiously watch that show in awe and one day they made an ice cream cake that literally made my mouth water and is only 3 ingredients. First you layer a baking pan with ice cream sandwiches. Then Cool Whip. Then crushed candy bars. We usually go the butterfinger or heath route. Then repeat. 6 layers of sugar. #diabetestakethewheel

5. You're one of the most honest bloggers I read, where do you get your bravery to post whatever you want, without making any excuses?

Hmm. Well sometimes my honesty gets me in trouble. The things I say on my blog and how I write is exactly how I sound in real life. Loud, bubbly and in your face. It's me. I've learned that if you keep apologozing for everything you say then no one is ever going to take what you say seriously. Also some people need to get a god damn sense of humor. You are never going to please everyone. If you think you can you're setting yourself up for failure. Do what works for you. If people keep coming back then you're doing something right. Completely off topic but I feel like it's my blogger duty to say this. Do not be a no-reply commenter. A kitten dies every time you comment and we don't know who you are. That is all.

*Check out her online bakery here. But don't browse hungry, it's a danger zone.

*If you'd like to be featured next week on the Saturday Takeover please email me at 


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