The Mother of all Cheap Stores

Today I went to a little slice of heaven on earth called 
Or maybe it's hell on earth?
I can't quite decide.

It's sometimes been called 
"the store of our future."
And here I was under the impression our future was supposed be all simple and lazy-
like on the movie Wall-E where everyone is obese and rides around in flying chairs
and everything is available at the push of the button.
Or maybe that's just at the D.C. Lynch carnival which swings through
Norfolk, Nebraska this time of year.
Sunset Plaza holla!

Because at IKEA, 
our future involves $45 couches you have to assemble yourself from 672 
different pieces,
So if that's our future, I'm not so sure I want to go there.
But I did today.

Knowing this store can be very dangerous,
I gave myself only one hour to get what I needed.
Which should have been simple enough considering I just needed to pick out a desk.
A very cheap desk.
But I go so much more, and it's because of this I came to the conclusion that
IKEA is like the family reunion of all of the $1 aisles at Target.
Full of stuff you don't even necessarily want,
but think "oh hey, I could probably use that pink striped sand bucket someday...
 for something."

So here is what I came away with:

A plant- who doesn't love plants in the summer?
Six candles- you can never have too many candles, and at $2.99 they're practically free.
Two oven mits- just because my old ones were looking ratty from one too many late night pizza incidents.
Speaking of, I also bought a pizza pan.
A shower caddy- I still don't know why I bought this thing...
A bathroom rug- I have a weird fetish with bathroom rugs, 
I own about nine now and just continue to switch them out. 
Why oh why do people continue to install doors on bathrooms that can't go over big comfy rugs? 
This is probably #4 on my all time list of things that complicate my life.

I also came away tall fake stem things to put in my plants,
one cheap desk,
and probably my favorite purchase of the day:

an unnecessary outdoor platter.
Which I will be using tonight when we grill

Isn't that so cute? 
My life just wouldn't have been complete without it.
Time to go enjoy my purchases.
Happy hump day.

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