Last night we:
drank too many beers
opened a lot of wine
 grilled brats and burgers
(I ate my brat even after it fell on the ground... ew)
and finished off the evening at the bar next door playing 
oversized Jenga.

This bar, Ravens, is going to be our spot.
We can already tell.
It is small, it's dirty, and they serve free popcorn.
Three things we look for in every place we go.
It's also BYOBeef and BYODog.
Grilling at home is fun,
so grilling at the bar next to home has to be even more fun.

Today was just as good.
It was 90 degrees and sunny.
Just for the record, no weather is ever too hot for me.
And I LOVE humidity. Love it.
So naturally, Harlow and I played outside all day.
We went for a longer jaunt than usual down Lake Shore
looking for a new beach spot.
Instead we got distracted by all of the pretty boats.

I think I'd like to have a boat here someday.
Although, then I'd feel the pressure of coming up with
a really cool name for it.
Chris suggested "Harlow 2" because he's clever like that.
So then I suggested "The Saily Tay" because I'm just clever like that...
I'll know I've made it when I have a boat in the Chicago harbor.

We continued on down the road 
until Harlow decided he was tired and plopped 
down right in the middle of the running path.
He literally layed down and wouldn't move.
I had to physically carry him to the side.
He was pretty amused,
as was everyone else on the path watching.

When we got to the water he suddenly had an abundance of energy.
He swam,
he chased ducks,
he ate sticks.
It was a good day.
And now we're both exhausted.

If you haven't already,
mosey on over to the Life of Bon blog and check out my guest post.
She writes a very comical blog,
with stories about her falling asleep at Dennys 
and getting turned down from Sizzler.
She'll be writing on here tomorrow and I am very excited!

See you laters.

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