The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever

The most coveted day of the week is here once again, Friday!
It's amazing how just a little sunshine in the winter can make a day feel that much better,
I took Har out this morning and thought damn it's nice out.
It was 32 degrees. And that's when you know you've gotten way too used to the cold.

You want to know what I was doing last year at this time?
I was packing up for my trip to Italy.

What a loser, I know. Europe sucks.
Keep repeating that... Europe sucks. Europe sucks.
Oh but it doesn't. I love it.
Five points: 2012 Me.
But I really can't get into this now. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll be so depressed about it next week I'll give you all a FULL recap on the trip that was. I know you'll all be on pins and needles until then.

But it's fine. Today is a great day! Something good is coming my way, I can just tell.
I'm jonesing to go buy some scratch tickets in fact, thinking I might win a buck or two to go buy me a forty in a brown bag.
I'm kidding! Kinda. 
2013 Me: Lose 20 points (and self dignity.)
But enough about my lottery addiction, let's get into it.
You know the drill.

Time for another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.

The most obvious choice to kick off this week is
Nose Picking.

There is just so much goodness going on in this photo taken of Princess Kate earlier this week I can hardly stand it.
I love the little girl in the drag queen dress standing next to the picker,
I love the perfect little English black shoes we see peeking out from the girl on his left,
and I love that the little boy's first instinct upon meeting a Princess was to dig out that last piece of gold.
Perhaps it was meant to be an offering of some sort.
And Kate the Great is just so sweet, cozying up next to him when I would be screaming
Ewww! Someone get this kid a napkin! C'mon nasty!
Boogers make me gag. Like really.

Speaking of things that make me gag,
Justin Bieber is next on my list.

Before I've got hoards of Beliebesters 
(Beliebers + Molesters)
knocking down my door ready to throat punch me let me just say I used to like Justin.
I did.
 But then he went all celebrity on us and had to think of new things to entertain himself because his life
was just that insanely cool and he started doing stupid things like wearing gas masks around.
So two nights ago he "fainted" while onstage at a concert in London.
Take the gas mask off, Bane. You can breathe better I swear.
Oddly enough, one night before that, he was boo'd off stage for showing up over two hours late.
Really Justin? Really? But really?
You are crashing and burning, my friend. You need to check yourself before you Lohan yourself.
And Spears yourself. And Houston yourself. And Vanilla Ice yourself.
Should have stopped at Houston. But you get the point.
I'm giving him ten days.
Ten days until there's another pregnancy rumor and he marries K Fed.

The only logical person to mention next is
Sulaiman Abu Ghaith.
(You just knew this was the next guy on my list, huh?)

His father was Bin Laden.
Sulaiman Abu Ghaith is known as Sula to his friends. And as Abu to Aladdin.
Anywho, he was captured February 28th by Claire Danes but here's the thing,
he's innocent!
He swears it. He had "zero intentions of wanting to kill Americans."
So like geez, just back off. Maybe he didn't want to follow in his dad's footsteps, okay?
So what if he made a video back in 2011 that warned "the attacks would not stop,"
he just did it for theatrical practice.
He's not his dad. Maybe he wants to grow up and be a house DJ because he just really loves music.
Or an artist. Or a blogger.
He's just sick and tired of being compared to his dad.
And he's guilty.

And this next story, well I've had to really settle myself down when trying to write it because it
just pisses me off that bad. It upsets me to the point where I start cracking my knuckles, and that's not a good sign.
But after I've thought about it, it just proves
Tina and Amy 
are the two having the best week ever.

In a recent Vanity Fair interview Taylor Swift was quoted as saying,
‘There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.’
In regards to the joke these two made about Taylor and her dating antics.
Just typing it, I'm pissed all over again.
I'm about to go on a rant. Buckle up.
And if you like Swift just click away now, because you're gonna judge me for this.

* You want to know why there's not a lot of female comedians? Because it's hard as hell.
Women have to be two times funnier than any man to even be considered "humorous."

*Female singers- a dime a dozen.
Talented of course, but a dime a dozen.

*Taylor, your lyrics could be written by a twelve year old going through her first menstrual cycle.
"I knew you were trouble when you first came in!"

*You want to talk about not helping other women?
How about the fact in all of your videos you stereotype the "pretty popular girl"
as the mean girl? You bring down women in all of your videos if they don't fit what you consider "cool."
i.e. clad in animal sweaters and brown loafers.

*You're tired of being called clingy and needy, eh?
 Well then stop writing songs about clinging and needing on men that don't want you in the end.
You want to know how people know you're over a relationship?
You stop talking about it.

*And note to self, it stops being a "surprised face" after you've done it 900 times.
It just becomes your face.

My favorite response to this was Amy's,
 "I do agree I am going to hell. But for other reasons. Mostly boring tax stuff.”

Much more classy than mine.
Because Amy has better things to concentrate on, luckily I don't.
Again, sorry for that rant. I just love Tina and Amy so incredibly much and find it interesting
Taylor freaks out when one celebrity makes a joke about her,
and yet she can write song after song about anyone she chooses.

That's all I've got.
Have a great weekend, I'm sure I'll get over this Taylor feud, I always do.

Feel free to follow along as I take photos of Harlow on Instagram @taylorgracewolfe


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