The Coyote Fight in Lincoln Park

Before I let Autumn take over, 
I have to share the most random/scary/I'manidiot story that happened to me yesterday.

So last night I took Harlow on his normal 5:30 p.m. walk (this woud be his 67th walk of the day)
we're just strolling around, minding our own business,
when suddenly I hear what sounds like a little dog whimper/yelp.
Naturally, my dog rescuer intuition kicked and I started looking around for what was up.
It was then when I looked through the fence that was next me and I saw two of the biggest coyotes 
nipping at something.
Yes. Coyotes. Although I briefly thought they were wolves. Perhaps werewolves even.
I started to freak. I immediately assumed they had Jessica Simpson's dog behind that fence and were
tearing it to shreds. I had to save it. In a matter of three seconds I literally started plotting how I was going to get in there and save little Daisy.
So I called Chris all out of breath and shaky trying to retell the story.
"I'm by the Lincoln Park Zoo and I see two huge coyotes and..."
Say no more.
Chris said, "you sure the coyotes aren't an exhibit?"
No, no I'm not sure.
In my defense, I realized I was right by the zoo, but I just assumed the coyotes had walked into the zoo
because it looked like a forest, and who doesn't want to go to the zoo on a Friday afternoon?
They were an exhibit. 
And the "yelping" I heard was the momma playing with her baby.
So that's my weird story.
Made for an exciting night for me, Harlow enjoyed it too.

Now meet Autumn,
when prompted to tell a little about herself this is what she gave me:
"50% Tina Fey, 50% Jaqueline Novogratz, 100% unreal. 
My blog is true stories from my life of a 20something guaranteed to make people laugh as I learn office lingo, how to stop dating assholes, and say no to strangers."

What's not to love? Autumn is truly a breath of fresh air in this blogworld.
I highly recommend you stop by her site right here.

1. Tell us a little about yourself. 
I'm a 20something trying to learn how to stop dating assholes, be philanthropic on a budget and otherwise "make it" in this big ol' "real world." I like: flat pop, big books, live tweeting awards shows and playing with kids. I never met an adventure I didn't like, and I often don't realize until well after it's over that it probably wasn't the most rational, safe choice (i.e.: taking a complete cross-country road trip all by my lonesome). I've got a big heart and a lot of sass. One of my best friends once described me as the following: "You're just embarrassing enough that anyone can feel comfortable around you, without being embarrassed to know you." Honestly, I'm filled with quirks and I like that. I learned two core things from my daddy: to appreciate football and to be a strong, opinionated woman. I'd recommend these three posts to someone wanting to get to know me: 

2. Why is your blog called The Unreal Life? 
The title came from three years of sitting on my friend Ellen's bed, telling her stories and weekend updates and otherwise venting about my life. After many of my stories she would let out a long, drawn-out "Unrrrreal" or if she really liked my story, a "Your life is unreal. Seriously." I like it because it captures the spirit of two options--both the "your life is so awesome unreal" and "your life is so awkward this-would-only-happen-to-you unreal." 
Because let's be real, isn't life in general a lot like that?

3. What is your dream job? 
To be the Executive Director of a domestic non-profit, a successful marketing-communications fundraising guru. 

4. What do you enjoy about blogging?
 It takes up time at work. Kidding (sort of). I've always enjoyed writing, and I like being able to document some of the really entertaining everyday stories of my life. It's always a bonus to get to interact with people too and see them enjoying what I write. 

5- So you hosted your first link up- what is it?
My first ever link up ends on Sunday! My link was inspired by International Badge Day, and I encourage all sorority women to stop by and share their stories of sisterhood! Being Greek made a world of difference to me, teaching me about servant leadership and loyalty, and I've loved getting to hear fellow Greek women's stories through this link up!


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