The Bachelors- Vatican Edition

Forget Sean Lowe.

We are living in real life Bachelor history here, people.
We need to soak it all up while we can.

What a sassy looking group!
It doesn't get much better than this.
Only one of these strapping young men will make it to the very end,
and will receive the coveted white smoke signal!
*White smoke means a new pope has been chosen, black smoke means a failed ballot.
It's almost too much excitement for me to handle.

Let's meet a few of the front runners shall we?

First up we've got the most obvious choice:

The Bestie

Name: Angelo Bagnasco
From: Italy
Known for being Pope Benedict's best friend, you can often find them giggling together in the cafeteria
while sticking "Pope Me" signs on the backside of new Cardinal's robes.

Ghana's Sweetheart

Name: Peter Turkson
(not to be confused with Teter Purkson)
From: Ghana
Peter could be the first modern black pope! A Bope, if you will.
With a smile like that, what's not to love?

The Youngster

Name: Timothy Dolan
From: NYC
Coming in at the wee age of 63 many are worried Dolan is "too young" for the job,
but he's a common face in the American media and "well liked inside the Vatican."
In his spare time he enjoys hop scotch and pop rocks.

(The Old Dirty Bishop)

Name: Angelo Scola
From: Italy
As Archbishop of Milan, many would consider Scola the front runner for the papacy.
But times they are a changing, and many feel Scola's views are a bit "too traditional."
And if there's one thing we Catholics hate, it's tradition!
Says the religion that announces their newest leader via smoke signal.

The Drama Queen

Name: Odilo Pedro Scherer
From: Brazil
As leader of the largest diocese in the world's largest Catholic country, 
Scherer's got all the latin spice one needs to stir things up a bit.
When he's not bishoping, you can find him on the dance floor showing the meanest salsa moves since 
Dirty Dancing Havana Nights!
JK I didn't really see that movie, did anybody?

The Party Animal

Name: Joao Braz De Aviz
From: Brazil
His signature phrase: Bring your pink hat, we're going streaking!

The Prankster

Name: Luis Tagle
From: The Philippines
Tagle is often called the "most charismatic of the group,"
(which I think we can all assume isn't an easy title to win amongst these crazy guys.)
Tagle is rumored to be the one responsible for the now famous video circulating the web
The Cardinal Shake.

The Pretty Boy

Name: Christoph Schonborn
From: Austria
Schonborn is a former student of Pope Benedict.
He's also a major advocate of speaking out against sex abuse in the church.
And I'm not saying line 1 and line 2 are correlated in any way and or have anything to do with each other.
I'm simply stating the facts.
His favorite movie is Sleepers.

And this is just beginning, I simply can't wait to see how it all unfolds and who is chosen
and who is sent back to the rectory.
March Madness has begun!
It's awesome baby, with a capitol Archbishop!


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