The Post I Never Wanted to Write

So here's something I thought I'd never have to post about on here,
the day my dog kicked shit in my face.
Brings a whole new light to the phrase "ate shit" I think.
In all honestly I should probably clarify that he didn't actually kick it at my face,
it was more the chestal/lower abdomen area.
But I swear I could almost taste it.

I'll try to keep the story vague. Because I'm sure many of you are thinking TMI,
don't say anything at all.
But when something like this happens, I have to talk to about it to warn others.
It's my duty. bad pun intended.

You all know this cute face by now, I mean it's practically trending on Instagram at the moment.
And rightfully so, he's a cute little SOB.
Well let me tell you what this little SOB just did.

If you have a dog, you may or may not have noticed that after they go number two
they like to kick behind them to cover up their "mess."
At least that's why Harlow does it, I'm pretty sure I taught him this trick for those bad days
when I forget to bring an extra bag along.
Then again, maybe Chris taught him. Could be an old Fiji Frat thing. Doesn't matter.
The point is, Harlow loves kicking after he goes the bathroom.
He's almost a bit OCD about it. He kicks even when he just pees. Sometimes he doesn't even pee,
he just thinks about peeing and he still kicks.
Chris says he does this because "I coddle him." I say it's because I taught him good manners,
But I'm getting off track again.

So just a little while ago I took Harlow out to go to the bathroom.
He finished his business, did his little kick, and then I assumed the position
to pick it up with my bag.
And this is when things turned shitty.
I should also let you know Chicago was hit with another ice storm in the night.
So everything is especially slushy...
I'm not sure if it was the ice that threw him off, or the snow,
but for whatever reason Harlow broke the rules of the dog club and decided to do a double kick,
while accidentally getting to close to his pile.
*and cue the Carmina Burana music.

O Fortuna by Carmina Burana on Grooveshark

Just as I bent down toward it, Harlow started to kick it back right at me.
It was a slowmotion attack.
 I saw it happening and yet couldn't react fast enough.
I just stood there. Frozen in my tracks, Target bag in hand.
In retrospect, I probably could have just stepped aside.
But when in a crisis situation, it's quite hard to think clearly.
I just watched in horror as he kicked one time. Two times. Three. And four.
It just continued to fling my way!
Slush and ice and brown snow... and warm snow.
But really, I'm going to spare you the real gritty details.
I'll just let you know he gave a solid three to four kicks before he caught on to what was happening.
I don't really remember what I did.
I kind of blackedout the moment I was hit.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.
Harlow and I still haven't made eye contact with each other since it happened.

I'm going to take this time to instead move on to more important, and much more pleasant topics.
Like the wonderfully talented graphic designer I am sharing with you today.
She's Rachel from lala Lists.
And since she's a graphic designer you know what that means-
she writes a wonderfully creative and beautiful blog with awesome photos to go along.
Oh, and she's probably going to be the next Bachelorette,
she'll tell you all about it below...

Why hello there.

I am delighted to be here today! My name is Rachel and I blog over at lala Lists. I am a graphic design student in New Hampshire, but I am originally from the Boston area. I love a whole big list of things that I like, but you can read about that here.

Today I am here to talk of serious matters. You all know how much Taylor love the Bachelor right? You have seen her great recaps of the episodes where she runs down all that is good and bad with the show. I think they are hilarious! But I have to be honest... I don't actually watch the show... the big hair, bigger teeth, and even bigger boobs just scare me.

No, instead of watching the Bachelor I like to occupy my time planning what would happen if I were the next Bachelorette and had complete control of the men picked to live in the pretty mansion with me. Doesn't that sound better then watching catty women fight over one man?

Let me explain to you how my version of the show would work. To start with, I have never really been one to follow rules so on Rachel's Picks, instead of only 25 guys I would get to choose 120 (obviously the selection will decrease as the show progressed and egos annoyed me) male celebrities to live in a luxury ski chalet with me for a winter (marital status (Mark Wahlberg) and sexual orientation (Neil Patrick Harris) of the men would, of course, be irrelevant). How awesome does that sound?

So in preparation for my new show I took the liberty of choosing, not only the host (Ellen Degeneres) but I also decided to save my producers the work and took on the task of choosing the initial 120 contenders and creating a handy little collage so no one would be forgotten. Now some of these gentlemen were picked because they are just down right sexy (hello Ryan Gosling), some were picked because they can sing (how you doin' Luke Bryan), some are funny (what's up Jimmy Fallon), and some just because they are kick ass (you go Detective Stabler).

Just try to tell me this isn't a show you would want to watch?! If celebrities are just not your thing, that is ok I wont hold it against you so long as you still like funny things, style boards, reading about my random thoughts, lists, looking at pictures of my nails, and sharing your own opinions.

So stop on by, read a bit, introduce yourself, and let's be friends! I hope you all have a fabulous day!
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