It's Friday, Friday, Friday.
And even though I'm currently enroute on my second eight hour car trip of the week,
I couldn't leave without posting another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.
Just call me Jenny Blogger because I'm that dedicated.
This might be a short list today.
Selena Gomez Someone actually created a realistic death plot to murder the Biebs,
And even though I'm currently enroute on my second eight hour car trip of the week,
I couldn't leave without posting another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.
Just call me Jenny Blogger because I'm that dedicated.
This might be a short list today.
First up we've got
Elf on the Shelf.
Did I miss something?
Since when is hiding a creepy little Dutch boy around the house a fun thing to do?
Is this a new tradition? Or just an old thing revived thanks to Pinterest?
And is it a requirement that every single day must be documented on Facebook?
If so, that really makes me question its origins...
I'm guessing Mark Zuckerberg on a Shelf just didn't have the same ring to it.
Well I've got my own tradition like this, I call it Vodka in the Cabinet.
I think I put it one place and yet the next day it always seems to show up somewhere else.
Next on our list we've got the
Pope's Tweets
representing this week.
Pope Benny tweeted for the first time on Wednesday and it was glorious.
"Dear friends, I am pleased to get in touch with you through Twitter.
Thank you for your generous response. I bless all of you from my heart."
A little generic, I know. But it was his first tweet, give him a break.
By the end of the week he's already vastly improved. Here's some of his latest-
"Dinner & drinks w/ my bestie. Love this time of year!"
"Watching XFactor. BSpears is awesome! Praise my Father."
You can find him online @therealODP
You know what else is having a great week?
Bieber's Man Bits.
Because they're still with him,
and not in a plastic bag in the bottom of a river like a few sick SOBs had planned.
and then {gasp} castrate him.
Shocking, I know. I didn't think he had any balls either. Apparently he does,
and somebody wanted to take them from him.
Luckily the sickos were caught before they could carry out their plan
and Justin is currently safe at home in his racebar bed as we speak.
And in the meantime, all Jonas Brothers concerts have been cancelled until further notice.
The last thing on my list has been all over the news this week.
Or lack there of...
I'm talking about
(and yes I know many of you loathe this word)
Thanks to Annie Hasnopanties, underwear has never looked so good.
I don't usually like Anne, she bugs me. I might be a little jealous perhaps.
But I do think it's shitty photographers have the right to snatchp this photo of her private
parts and then sell it all over the internets.
It's gross and wrong. Thus the reason I chose not to use the actual pic in question.
I'm just classy like that.
My intention is not to draw anymore attention to this incident.
So her Princess just told its Diary to the entire world. Whatever, it happens.
The Devil wears nothing. That's fine, it's none of our business really.
Love and other Britneys.
The Dark Knight Rises... Okay this one's too easy, I'll stop while I'm ahead.
Have a great weekend, everyone.
Try not to make too big of an ass out of yourself at your work Christmas party.
Or do. The world's ending next week anyway.