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Today was one of those days I probably won't forget for awhile.
I'd like to, but I know I won't.
My time as a glow-in-dark-cat slinger,
money machine dream maker,
cookie dough pint dealer has come to an end due to an overall "company restructuring."
Roughly 25% of all employees were "let go" today.
Let go. What a stupid phrase. As if my job was actually holding on to me.
Turns out this company's been going down hill ever since Tommy's dad died.
If only I could have gotten Ray Zalinksy to meet with me just once...
He makes auto parts for the American workingman. That's who he is. And that's what he cares about.

It's textbook shit though, I don't know why I'm surprised.
I "lost my job" three weeks before Christmas. How painfully cliche is that?
How on earth am I supposed to buy mom her Christmas shoes now?
And what about Timmy? Someone's got to pay those doctor bills.
And little Sue, well her alcohol problem isn't going to fix itself.
Times are hard, my friends. They certainly are.
I'm currently sitting on my couch in my high school basketball sweats drinking a beer and eating a block of cheese.
Or am I...

At least I deal with this kind of shit okay.
One might say I'm used to change by now.
In the past three years I've lived in three states, four cities, five different homes,
and had four different "big girl" jobs since college.
I like to think I know how this all goes by now.
First I cry. Then I cry some more. Then I say the world's ending.
Couldn't have predicted 12.4.12 could you have, Mayans?  
Then I mope. And then I start to get mad. And revengeful.
Right now I'm in the mad-vengeful stage. Somebody get me some matches.
And in about an hour (as long as I'm on schedule) I'll be over it and will look at all of this
as a challenge.
As a challenge to find a better job than I had before.
Although that will be hard... Today was the BMX Bike Show.

But it's fine. I'm fine. I'll be okay.
I'm about as resilient as it gets.
I mean would you look at my skills for God's sake?
I'm a blogger, and how many people can say that....
 And I know how to set up a money machine.
I also can give kick ass presentations to seven year olds.
Someone's gonna scoop me up in no time.
For sure....


In other news Kate Middleton is pregnant so that's cool.


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