Is It Tuesday Yet?

I'm generally a happy person.
I take life as it comes. It honestly takes a lot to get me down.
Now with that being said,
I seem to go into a mini {yet extreme and very dark} depression every Monday morning.

It typically lasts about seventy five minutes, sometimes longer depending on room temperature.
And in that time I will do absolutely anything to keep myself from starting work.
This includes, but is never limited to:
Watching the Today Show
Making coffee
Making iced coffee
Making coffee again because I thought I ruined the first two pots
Facebook stalking
Twitter creeping
Instagram browsing
Celebrity websites
Reading blogs
and sometimes, when I really really don't want to start catching up on emails,
I'll go back and read my own blog from a year ago.
Now before you think I'm a huge narcissist let me just explain myself and say
that I only do this because I like to see what I was up to a year ago.
I find it interesting.
And maybe I'm just a narcissist... I mean I do write a blog all about me....
Sometimes doing this works out in my favor,
like last week when I read that I was just starting a job I hated (and happily no longer have)
last year at this time. 1 point: current me.
Sometimes, it doesn't work out in my favor.
Like today when I travelled down memory lane and was reminded
that exactly one year ago today I was galavanting around New York City
having fabulous drinks, and dinners, and shopping all day long.
1 point: last year me.
*this weekend marked my first appearance of red lips.
Coincidentally, it was also my last weekend of red lips.

My mom, my sister, and I, travelled to New York last fall to stay with my good pal,
Tyeler and her mom, Beth, in their "quaint" little apartment in Soho.
Like I said, very "quaint."
Just your standard Soho loft.
A few key (hysterical) memories of the trip that stand out to me as I think back are:

*The Glitter Sisters from Texas
This would be our first night out when Jade and I wore
{almost} matching glitter tops.

The "Classy Hookers"
This is the night we accidentally
wore jackets that were longer than our dresses.
I think the rest explains itself.

And the $200 tourist bike tour.
When the drivers continued to ask us, "Want to see this? Want to go here?"
And we just responded with "Sure!" every time, we didn't realize each question added
about $20 onto the trip. Oh well. When in Rome...

And I've just spent far too long writing about a trip that happened over a year ago.
I know I shouldn't live in the past, but no one ever said I couldn't blog about it.
Thankfully, Monday is almost over.
So cheers to a great Tuesday.


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