How Much Do You Spend?

Alright, so I have a legit question.
How much do you spend on groceries per month?
Because I'm starting to think Chris and I spend way too much.
When I googled our spending habits, we fell into the category for family of five...
And the weird thing is we eat out like four nights a week. At least.
So what in the hell are we buying?
I seriously don't understand how our bills gets so damn pricey.
Because this bill doesn't even include alcohol.
We grocery shop on Sunday, and then I typically go out on a wine/beer run on Wednesdays.
Sometimes Tuesdays. On a really rough day this might occur on Monday.
So I looked into one of my cabinets to see if I could get to the bottom of this.

And this is what I found.
At the end of the day, we usually have nothing to eat for dinner.
And yet we have everything to throw a kick ass middle school birthday party.
You should see our freezer, it's even more amazing.
So I guess I get jollies off of a fully stacked fridge/pantry...
I just love it.
It's not like I was deprived when I was a kid, but I'm not going to sit here and tell you trips
to the grocery store were a free-for-all (sorry mom, but it's true.)
There were definitely foods that were "special."
The first foods that sprint to mind are:
Ice Cream Snicker Bars
Frozen mozzarella sticks
Anything packaged individually (which I loved, and still do)
Cheetohs & Doritos
And anything that was delivered personally from Jesus Christ himself.
AKA the Schwans Man.
Do you know the Schwans Man? If you don't, you should.
He's a magical man who goes door to door, delivering childhood obesity
one white trash house at a time.
I recommend the egg rolls. And the spicy chicken fingers...Mmm mmm.

Sadly Mr. Schwan doesn't come to Chicago.
Or if he does, I haven't found him yet.

Anyway,  on to more important things.
Like this next blogger I'm going to introduce  you to.
She's all about living life to the fullest and trying to maintain "joie de vivre"
which I guess means the joy of life.
So apparently she's fluent in other languages, as well.
Like her blog, she's just so well rounded obviously.
And just because she loves coffee so much she's offering a $25 Starbucks gift card.
That's a lot of Starbucks loot.
So meet her already!

Caffiene and curiosity, two things that run through my veins in abundance.
Hi, I'm Ashley, and if you are curious about me and my blog,
Oh Wells Instead of What Ifs
come on over for a visit and you might get some caffiene out of it! 

Here are a few of the things you might find in my neck of the woods...err web:

Stories of my "Ashley moments"
There's an occasional recipe.  
These Margarita cupcakes were a crowd pleaser. 
(And I'm glad they turned out okay since I drank way more tequilla than I put in the batter. Oppsie!)
I think women are amazing, so I like to feature some every now and then

I love me a good quote! And lots of other stuff too!

I started this blog as a way to remind myself to take risks.  
After a move to California alone, for my dream job, I am finally feeling like I am really living life without asking "what if".  
It's scary and wonderful all at once, please join me!  
And like I mentioned above, you might be able to get some caffeine out of it. 
You could win $25 to Starbucks!  
That will fund the addiction for a little while right?
To enter:
1. Follow The Daily Tay

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