How's That For Timing

So yesterday I posted about wanting my ashes
sprinkled at a water park when I die/
the irony of having a funeral on Friday the 13th.
Standard stuff.
But then my mom called and kindly reminded me that my grandma died
on Friday the 13th, and yesterday just so happened to be her three year death anniversary.
It wasn't a bad post, it was just bad timing.
Really bad.
So of course I felt like an ass.
But then I couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that
even after death, my grandma (who was a bit snarky herself)
 is still reminding me not to be so damn sarcastic all of the time.

I'm sure I'm on her infamous "m-u-d list" because of it.
And her Friday the 13th "pranks" just continued throughout the day...

Here's an amazing throwback photo of my grandma I had to share.
(my mom was way ahead of the Bieber haircut as you can tell)
and this was also pre-braces... or my aunts and uncle were all told to just keep their mouths shut?

I met my friend, Jenna, at the beach for the Jose Cuervo
volleyball tournament-

only to have the sky light up with lighting and thunder just minutes later.

So I started hightailing it home, hoping to beat the rain.
And I was doing pretty good, until I saw an elderly woman
standing in the middle of the street in the Gold Coast looking extremely confused.
 I decided it was my moral obligation to help her.
And it worked out pretty well for Kate Winslet in The Holiday...
I figured in this neighborhood
(where I snapped a photo of the original Playboy Mansion)

the chances of this woman being a
former famous movie producer were pretty good.
(and it was out of the goodness of my heart, obviously.)

So I said, "can I help you find a street?"
 She responded with "huh?"
"do you need help finding somewhere?" I tried again.
"I'm trying to find a cab."
Now I felt like the idiot.
"Oh okay, me too. Well good luck."
"Well where are you headed?"
Oh no, did she want to split a cab? This could be weird, "I'm going North."
"Are you driving? You can take me."
And this is why I don't offer to help strangers in Chicago. She thought I was a cabby?
"Nope, I'm not driving. I'm walking."
"So you can't take me?"
"Sorry, no."
I don't offer piggy-back rides, either.
And that definitely had to be my grandma again.
She wouldn't have asked for directions, she'd ask for that damn ride, as well.
By the time I was finished with that encounter the storm had hit.
And it hit hard.
I was a good fifteen minute walk/jog from home.
So that's when I found myself ducking into the first public building I could find.
Well hello, Chicago History Museum.
And look what exhibit happened to be on the menu for the day:

Even though I looked like a wet homeless girl,
I proceeded to spend a few minutes learning about the history of Dior.
Turned out to be an okay rain day.

And have I mentioned what I'm doing tomorrow?
Going to my first ever blog conference.
Which means I may or may not be meeting up with Erin
tonight for a few pre drinks.
We're going to wait and see how brave (tipsy) we feel.
This is after all, both of our first times experiencing an "internet date."
It's mine anyway, I think Erin might have mentioned though she met her
husband on Craigslist.
So I should only speak for myself.

Go have yourself a great weekend.
I know I will.


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