Friday the 13th

Did you know today is Friday the 13th?
Well if you didn't, now you do.
(you're welcome)
I know I'd hate to be walking around today doing all sorts of bad luck things
not having any idea what kind of fate I was creating for myself.
Speaking of bad luck, today as I was driving home from taking Chris to work
(city people car pool)
and lazy boyfriends hate public transportation...
traffic was heavier than usual, so naturally I gave my horn a little toot
to see what was up.
Black cars, police cars, wtf was the President in town agin I wondered?
And cue the part where I feel like an asshole:
I was actually honking at a funeral line...
A funeral on Friday the 13th?
Why did I have a feeling this deceased person was a true prankster?
Talk about going out with a bang.
While stuck in traffic, I started thinking about how I'd like my "exit" to go down.
errr I mean up. I don't like using the word down in that phrase.
I've always known I want to be cremated because I find cemetaries absolutely dreadful.
(as opposed to those who find them absolutely lovely)
If someone wants to think about me, they can do it just as easily from their couch.
And then I got an even better idea.
I want my ashes to be spread somewhere awesome.
Like a water park.

I know when I was younger and my parents announced we were going
to "visit" the deceased grandparents on memorial weekend I always dreaded going.
But imagine if grandma was at the water park.
Think about the reaction you'd get then.
Everybody would want to come visit. And more than a few times a year I bet.
I know it's a weird thought.
But I just think it would be a lot more fun for everyone.

And now to share a photo from what I feel is one of the best scenes in a film ever.
(and yes, because I have written a few screenplays I now
call movies "films" because I think it makes me sound cool pretentious.)
The "ashes scene" from The Big Lebowski.
If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it this weekend.

On another completely different note,
drastically different in fact,
 my mom just told me yesterday she booked our entire family
to go on a cruise to the Bahamas over New Years Eve!

Here's an awesome cruise photo of my mom, sister, and I from 2000.
Whoever said twelve is an awkward age obviously never met me.
And whoever said zebra should never be worn as skirt obviously never met my sister.
Same goes with cheetah for my mom....

And now because this post included everything from
a Friday the 13th funeral,
to sprinkling my ashes at a water park,
and even zebra skirts on a cruise ship,
I felt it was fitting to link up with Aunie and her "just because Fridays."
Just because.

Aunie Sauce

And did I mention I'm guest posting on a few other blogs today?
Well I am!
I'm over at Sophistifunk talking about my trip to Italy I went on a few months ago.
If you haven't met Brie, you should.
She's cute, funny and is always dressed to the nines...
I'm also over at Eat Play Love that Top participating in Shireen's very cool
"Guest Photo Feature" post.
Shireen's blog is a little bit of everything:
great photos, funny posts, travel stories,
all coated with just a bit of sarcasm...

That's all I've got.
I'm off to the beach.

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