Got a New Haircut

So I got this new haircut yesterday.
And this is like a big deal.
Only because I'm one of those girls who goes way too long without getting a trim.
I wait until my hair gets all fuzzy and grows in that wonderful "V" down my back.
I don't know why I do this. Who knows, maybe it has something to do
with my deep down desire to be twinsies with Vienna
from the Bachelor circa Jake Pavagina.

Whatever the reason, it needs to stop.
Because for once, I actually really like the cut I just got.
It feels so fresh and so bouncy and I even like the color!
But as Chris said, "maybe you just like it so much because your hair was so haggard before."
Very true.
Roughly two weeks ago I impulsively decided to box dye my hair,
and the weird thing is I don't remember choosing
"Trailer Trash Goes to Prom" as my color... but that's what I got.
Box dying your hair is like painting your nails drunk,
it always sounds like a good idea-
but after everything is said and done all you're left with is a mess and a few cotton balls.

Truthfully though, I just hate getting my hair "professionally" done because
it involves a lot of things I despise in life.
a. sitting for long hours.
b. making small talk with someone I don't know.
c. not being sure if the beverage I'm offered is free or not.
d. feeling judged on account of the fact the stylist can tell I'm a box-dyer.
I go into more depth here about past negative haircutting experiences.

Let's time travel and take a look at some of my "best" haircuts, shall we?

I like to call this one my 
"I'm feeling ugly so I'm going to cut my own bangs" look.
Stylist, schmylist, these bangs are even-ish.

And then this is what happens when you grow homemade bangs out!

This is my "I'm trying to look like a 5 year old" look.

I think I pulled it off quite nicely, don't you?
Thanks Britney Spears, for inspiring this "bob" by the way!
I would learn in years to come never to look to B Spears for hair style advice...
And by the redness of my face it appears I just got home from running 67 miles.
Seriously, why am I so sweaty I wonder?

This next one is a real gem.
It's when I decided I wanted long hair again so I got Jessica Simpson hair extensions...

Oh, these don't look fake at all. - Ray Charles.
I concur.- Helen Keller.

This next one might be the best yet.
This is my "San Diego Shag."
Would you believe I payed roughly $380 for this "style" at the Paul Mitchell salon?
Yes. Thanks again, Tye, for taking me to such a great place!
You know I'll never forget it. Seriously. Never. Ever. Forget this.

And in case you were wondering about the sunglasses,
I'll have you know they were Dior. No joke.
I even had to get someone to unlock the glass case at Sam's Club to get them out for me.
(very fancy)
And they also came in handy when I joined the Men In Black.

Without further ado,
this is my new haircut as of yesterday.

It's the "I'm 25 and live in Chicago and need to look classy and shit" 'do.
Thus the reason I'm wearing the jean jacket. 
Nothing says class like a denim jacket.

Keep it real on this Thirsty Thursday.

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So like it, or friend it, or whatever it is you do with Facebook pages!
The Daily Tay
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