2 Bloggers Walked Into a Bar

So last night I went on my first internet date.
Don't worry, Chris knew about it and was totally fine.
I actually went on a date with a husband and wife.
Okay wait, that sounds even weirder.
What I'm trying to say is I met my first blog friend in real life.
You might have heard of her, she's Erin over at Living in Yellow.

And so what do two bloggers talk about when meeting each other for the first time?
Which is funny because we obviously already knew quite a bit about each other.
But you know what a majority of our conversation revolved around?
Blogging Amish people.
For everyone who reads Erin's blog, I gotta tell you,
she's been holding out on us.
I am fascinated with Amish people, so when Erin casually mentioned
she lives near an Amish community I couldn't get enough.
How has she not mentioned this before I wondered?
I feel like Amish people are blog post gold. They would be for me.

And you know how Erin seems super nice and friendly just based on her blog?
 Well she is.
Because usually I'm extremely awkward and weird when meeting new people
but last night wasn't bad at all!
Then again, that's just according to me.
Thinking back, Erin and her sweet hubby Shawn, might have had a different impression
given the fact I was clearly obsessed with the Amish,
I even had to tell them how there's a group of Amish kids who come to the city
to sell their beef jerky and cheese that I often buy from and I feel bad for the little
guy named "Richard" because I'm quite sure he's a little "light in his loafers" and I doubt
the Amish are very accepting of that life style.
Yup, between that story and the fact
 I told them more than once how I think I have separation issues with Harlow,
I most definitely had to have creeped them out.
Damn, and here I thought I did so good.

And then today was the actual "blogger conference"
where I got to meet some fellow Chicagoland bloggers,
like, DanaChris, and Paige.
Check out Dana's page for some good pics she's already posted.
I'm a bad blogger and didn't snap a single photo... I'm so unmotivated when I'm hungover.
And I figured the other gals got my back.
So other gals, feel free to email me any pics you'd like to share :) Thanks!

I'll post more about the conference tomorrow.
My pizza just got here and I need to concentrate on eating it as fast as possible.


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