Man, what a day I've had already.

It started off on the wrong foot this morning when I burnt not one, 
but two pieces of toast.
The first one was smoking,
the second was only charred.
And by "toast" I mean hamburger buns because I've been too lazy to go grocery shopping.
Eating hamburger buns for breakfast isn't white trash is it?
No, white trash would be the Hamburger Helper leftovers sitting in my fridge right now.
It's just so good I can't help it... (pun? get it? yeah?)

Besides the burnt buns,
on my way to work today I watched a bird just fall dead out of the sky
landing basically right beside my car.
At least I thought he was dead. 
He certainly is now, anyway.
Is that bird suicide? Just one day you decide to stop flying.
Then boom you're dead.
Shit must have been real bad for him.

And then just when I got to the suburb where I was working today
I drove by the one store that always seems to grind my gears.
Dress Barn.
You familiar with it?
I don't know why, but I am so annoyed with the fact that 
there is a plus size ladies store called "Dress Barn." Dress BARN.
And nobody else seems to have a problem with it.
I really don't think there could be a worse name for a store that caters to large women.
Maybe Skirt Trough. 

Speaking of fashion however,
let me segue into my wonderful guest blogger for the day 
Ashley from The Sweet Life

Happy Tuesday The Daily Tay readers! I'm Ashley, from
[The Sweet Life] and I'm so excited to be guest posting on Taylor's blog today!
While I wish I could spend everyday putting trendy outfits together [in real life], I usually spend the majority of my time searching out a drool-worthy item at a really good deal. Yes, I do put fashionable outfits together and share them on my blog on the regular--but, don't let that fool you, I have a lot of experience with using a budget. 
Ballin' on a budget? Practically my mantra! 

While fashion is near the top of my list, nothing compares
to my love for my favorite guys......Ryan and Tiger.
The fiancé
The pup, Tiger!
 Also near the top of my list? Summertime! Summers in Tennessee are amazing. When we're not working, we're usually on the river canoeing, at our local bar playing trivia, or hanging out at our apartment pool. It doesn't get much better than that does it?
Unless you're in the Chicago area and you have a beach to go to! : )
Getting ready to canoe down the river on a Sunday morning.
What's the use of having a nice pool if you
don't have awesome friends to share it with!
So, if you like piña coladas and getting caught......well, if you love drinks,
crafting, wedding planning, fashion, or any other part of a twenty-something's
real life then come over and hang out!

Twitter: @Ashmpars

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