Did She or Didn't She?

So a few people have been inquiring as to whether
or not I've had some work done on the old Daily Tay lately...
And to that I say how dare you!
My blog was born like this.
This is 100% natural.
As natural as Brody Jenner's mom.
(google her. now.)
Or any nose on the Real Housewives of Orange County.
Or Maci's orange skin from Teen Mom.
I can't help it if my blog is just super good looking.

That's bullshit.
Plus I want to give credit to the wonderful designer,
Melissa over at Cherry on Top Blog Shoppe.
But I'll talk more about her in another post in just a bit.

It's true though.
I decided that if I can't live my life all pretty and organized and put together,
well than at least my blog can.
I guess you could say I am living vicariously through my blog.
If there was a show about me, it would be called
Bloggers and Tiaras.
And I would be 300+ pounds with a snaggle tooth
shouting mean things at little kids.
That actually sounds pretty entertaining...

So yes, for someone who kept the same design
for roughly 3.5 years up until six months ago-

Which probably can't even be called a "design"
since it was just this photo at the top of the page...
I've gone through a lot of changes as of late.
But this one is here to stay for a while.
What can I say, 
I'm just trying to keep up 
because it's a 

Get it?
That's my new "ending" to every post.
It's a blog eat blog world.
It sure is.
Gotta go, it's 4:30 a.m. and I haven't slept a wink.

But do yourself a favor and head over to
Chronicles Of An Independent Spinster
and check out my post
"Shit Nobody Says on Fridays"
and then I swear I'm done with the
"Shit People Say" posts. For this week.
But check her out, her blog is hilar.

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