
Yesterday I caught a 6:00 a.m. flight to Nebraska  to surprise
my dad for Father's day.
Thus the reason I was up at 4:00 a.m. blogging Friday morning-
I didn't sleep more than two hours that night.
So that was fun.  I always enjoy being sleep deprived at the airport.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
I love the TSA.
If there's one group of people who don't get enough credit for
saving lives it's the awesome (and oh so intelligent) TSA staff.
Take for instance the lovely woman,
(who I can only assume played Tranny #1 from the Hangover 2)
who demanded I step aside with her so she could dig through my suitcase.
I don't know why, but I HATE watching airport people dig through my shit.
Seriously gives me anxiety.
Before she opened my suitcase she said to me,
"Is there anything sharp that could cut me
or hot that could burn me I need to know about it?"
To which I responded,
"well my flat iron could be hot, but if it's
magically turned on without being plugged in I think we've
got a bigger problem."
She didn't laugh.
But she did proceed to rustle through all of my nicely folded shit
and then smack it shut.
Like the five year old I am I said,
"Well you could at least refold everything."
So she reopened the suitcase, tossed a few more things aside,
and then arrogantly grabbed my hair spray bottle and triumphantly threw it in the trash.
another TSA worker saves the world from a can of hairspray.

And now here's a letter I once wrote to a flight attendant
that much to my surprise,
never really got a response...

Dear Southwest Flight Attendant,

 I'd just like to start off by saying thanks for all you do. 
I can't imagine a flight where you don't remind me to shove my purse 
completely under the seat in front, or to turn my phone off during takeoff, 
or hand me a delicious glass of ice with a splash of Sprite. 
And the "put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then choose your 
favorite child or husband next" joke? Classic! Never gets old.  
So please don't mind that now I have a few questions for you.
 In today's world we can watch movies in the air, stream any TV show, get wifi, 
it's all so amazing!
 So why no phone during takeoff/landing? 
If my one text message "where you at?" is going to send this entire magic machine 
that is called an airplane into the fritz, well I think I'd like to get off now then please. 
What could be so dangerous about being on my phone when we're still taxiing on the ground?
 Or even when we're taxiing low in the air, moving at a turtle speed, 
waiting to get clearance to land? 
I've waited in the air so long before I think I actually saw a hot air balloon pass. 
It was either that or the fat Asian boy from Up floating by. 
And what's with the no seat reclining during landing? 
How about this, I'll respect your no reclining rule when 
airplane seatbelts finally get a little modern update and stop looking like the multicolor bottle top fashion belts we all knew and loved so much from 1995, 
and then maybe they'll actually serve a safety purpose. 
If we're about to crash land, well I want to at least enjoy the last few minutes of my life in comfort.
 Isn't it interesting how we've all just obeyed these rules for so
 many years but never thought to wonder why? 
The "all belongings must be stored completely under the seat in front of you" rule 
makes no sense to me.
 If I want to muddle my feet up with tons of shit stacked on them shouldn't that be my choice?
 I guess I'd just like an explanation is all. 
Is that so much to ask?  
Maybe it is. 
Here I am, flying in the air, basically time traveling, 
and I'm complaining that I have to stop creeping Facebook ten minutes sooner than I'd prefer. 
Yeah, I'm pretty pathetic. 
I can't imagine what my ancestors would think of a situation like this,  
"So you're telling me you're going to travel through the air, 
to get hundreds of miles away in under an hour? 
And you're mad you can't look at photos of people you pretty much don't even know 
but like to bitch about, anyway?" 
Our culture is awful. 
Maybe a good old fashioned Mayan wipeout is just what we need. 
Although, I won't be holding my breath even that will happen right on time. 
Have you ever been to Mexico? 
It takes them 45 minutes just to make a daiquiri and a bowl of guacamole.  
 And look at that, I've gone off on one of my more bizarre rants. 
Too much time in the air tends to have that affect on me... 
But solid plane ride, job well done Flight Attendant. 

Go enjoy your Saturday!


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