#Throwback Thursday

Happy Thirsty Thursday!
I don't know about you, but I am in a dandy mood today.
Just having one of those days when you wake up smiling.
And it only continued to get better when I turned on the Today Show 
and my man Biebs was having a live concert.
Someday I'd like to go to one of his shows,
it's definitely on my list of
"Shit I'll do after I have done everything else in this world. Literally everything."
It's right under "Go to a Katy Perry Concert"
which is followed by "Buy a Ke$ha CD."

Today I'm going to participate in the fun little game of
Throwback Thursday.

You know how they say the past repeats itself...
It does.

Christmas Morning: 1988
someone looks pissed.
This might have been the year my sister stole all of my gum
from my stocking. 
And I continue take this same picture roughly every Christmas morning.

Showing some love to our cocker spaniel, Daisy.

This is Daisy Wolfe, not to be confused with Jessica Simpson's dog,
Daisy Simpson, who was apparently eaten by a coyote.
And then saved by a roadrunner...
I think the story sounds suspicious as, well.

New Years Eve 1993
Looks like someone had a little too much fun.
Those freakishly large feet must have been running all over the dance floor.
And why mom ever got rid of this darling fringe rug is beyond me.
Or the other six fringe rugs through out the house for that matter...

Took this same photo Freshman year of college.
And Sophomore year...

Happy Thursday everybody.

Head on over to Sami's Shenanigans
because her blog is pretty freaken great, as is the word "shenanigans,"
and check out my post called,
"Dear Naked Gym Lady."


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