He's Coming Home!

I've tried not to make a big deal out of it,
but these last three weeks have been the longest three weeks of my life.
I've tried real hard to put a smile on face every morning,
get up and eat my usual three bowls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch
and just act like everything is okay.
But the truth is I've been struggling.
My best friend has been gone and my life just hasn't been the same.
But finally,
Harlow is coming home tomorrow!
Doggy camp in Nebraska is coming to a close.
I am beyond excited. 

So excited in fact I am going to dedicate this post to him
and my love for what a wonderful young man he is.
So SO excited in fact I'm going to share a photo
of us two that I haven't showed anyone because 
I am so hungover in it I look like a swollen squirrel wearing a bad blonde toupee.
(as opposed to those good squirrel toupees...)

Please don't look at me.
Let's concentrate on how cute Harlow looks.
Is this normal for a large dog to lay like this?
Because this is typically how you'd find Harlow laying, 
either with Chris or myself.

And FYI this is on Halloween-
I don't typically wear a Lion nose and ears around the house,
Or do I...
I just can't wait to have him back because it's been so quiet without him.
I miss our walks.
And our talks.
I miss him bitch slapping me when he wants to go outside-
seriously he doesn't bite,
he actually hits my face, it's cute, but kinda painful too.
And I miss him eating the food I drop all over the house
when I'm trying to sneak a handful of Doritos and eat them real fast.
(because when you eat chips really fast the calories don't count)
And I really miss
him helping out with cleaning the dishes every night.
Chris licks the plates now, but it's just not the same.
(No offense, Chris.)
I just miss my doggy.

Enoughs enough.
Time to come home, Har Har.

On another note-
I guest posted on a completely hysterical blog on Monday:
She's funny, she's sassy and today her post is about Sperm Eyebrows. Check it out.

And today I'm over at 
talking about what 20 Somethings look forward to by the weekend.
I always turn to this blog for humor, style ideas, and Laura always seems 
to have some sort of fun product review she's talking about.

Check them both out.

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