Friday the 13th

Here's the thing about kids-
they make you sick.

Now I don't think I caught this little bug from Miss Ruud's class, I'm not claiming that. Although, if I had to point any fingers I would place my bets on the blonde girl in the front who thought she was "secretly" sticking boogers underneath her desk. She's going to have to learn to be a little more discreet or middle school will eat her alive.

And I'm certainly not blaming Knox, for whom of which my mom and I had to watch because his mother and father were severely ill. And then Knox got sick shortly after...

I woke up feeling pretty crappy yesterday. And I don't think it had anything to do with the two bottles of wine I drank the night before. Or the bottle of Dom.

Reason for celebration being that my entire family all randomly happened to be in town on the same night. And if you know my family you realize this isn't actually that random, for my brother living in South Carolina and me in Chicago, we all actually make it home pretty frequently.

But we still always celebrate it. After a few pre drinks at home, we headed to a little hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant for some apps. And when I say hole-in-the-wall I am being about as literal as possible. This place is located in an alley of downtown Norfolk, in which you have to crawl through a hole in the wall to get inside.

So when my parents told me they come here because they love their oysters on the half shell I was just a little skeptical. And when they were set on our table and were the size of softballs I was even more skeptical. Oysters are usually best served on a plate of ice from a pretentious seafood restaurant at $8 a pop...

 So when the 8 year old server brought them over in a plastic bag and they were luke warm I got a little more nervous... I think she must have just got them out of the Elkhorn river. But my parents swear by them, and they know their oysters... So I dug right in.

But that didn't stop me from picturing the scene in Drop Dead Gorgeous where everyone is vomiting from eating bad shell fish.
"Mom always says, don't ever eat nothing that can carry its own house around with it. Who knows the last time it was cleaned."- Amber Atkins

Whatever, they tasted good. And what could be so bad about a restaurant that allows you to slip your business card under their plastic table cloth? 

It's eclectic decor as well as free advertising. Love it!

And just for the record I'm not blaming the oysters for feeling icky. I'm blaming the flu. I think it's spreading across the nation via Facebook. So be careful who you creep on within these next few days. Stay away from pages where people are constantly taking photos and/or quoting their children. I think these are the ones who are most contagious. It's just a theory, of course.

Happy Friday the 13th.  Be careful and cautious, the looneys tend to walk among us today.

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