Naked and Famous

I managed to make it back to Chicago just in time before the storm hit Nebraska.
In case you're unfamiliar with what storm I'm talking about just sign on to my Facebook and browse the millions of photos everyone has uploaded.
In case I didn't know what large clumps of hail look like, I do now. 

Now you do too. 
Looks like the Titanic should be sailing down that stream.
"Hailberg straight ahead!" yeah, that was really lame.

Anyway, I was just happy it wasn't the weekend of tornados as the news predicted it would be. Tornados scare the shit out of me.  Tornado time (April- June) was always a very stressful season for me as a little kid (still is). Anytime so much as a "watch" was in effect I would grab all of my beanie babies, a few rosaries, and head down to the basement for the next seven hours or so to hide under a blanket and pray.

Besides tornados, I'm also pretty scared of basements. So you can see the amount of torment I often had to face. 

So while my family was taking cover in Nebraska/taking photos and videos to send me storm updates every five minutes, Chris and I headed to the driving range on Saturday to hit a few balls.

Look at that follow through. Gorgeous. 
 And after hitting about 250 balls I could barely lift my arms on Sunday. Or today for that matter. That's when you know it's time to start being more active- when you're painfully sore from golf. At only the driving range.

We concluded our weekend with a concert at the Vic last night.

The Naked and Famous were playing. They're so hot right now. And not actually called "Famous and Naked" as I put on my Facebook status last night. Shoot.

Beforehand, Katy, Chris and I had some pre concert drinks at Trader Todds. Not to be confused with Trader Joes- they are two very different places actually. Turns out, Trader Todd's is a pretty popular Sunday after noon karaoke spot.

Take for example these two lovely girls singing "Regulators." Nothing says Warren G and Nate Dogg like two white blonde girls rapping and flashing gang symbols with their french manicured fingers... And this is why I don't participate in karaoke. Because I find it incredibly humiliating for all involved.

And finally it was time to get Naked and Famous.

And shortly after we got Qdoba'd. It was a great Sunday night.

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