Sparkle Louder With Hpnotiq

Here's kind of a crazy thought- we are less than fifty days away from 2014! It feels like it was just yesterday I was all sorts of nervous waiting to see if the Mayan Apocalypse was really going to happen or not last year on 12/21/12... Just kidding, only nut-jobs were worried about that actually happening...

This obviously means that New Years Eve is right around the corner (already!) Are you the type of person who loves NYE or hates it? I know there are some of you out there who aren't the biggest fans of this holiday, but why not change that this year by winning a trip to ring in the new year in New York City? Thanks to Hpnotiq's Sparkle Louder Contest, you can not only win a trip to NYC for you and three of your best friends to watch the infamous ball drop, you also have the chance to win an EFFY Diamond & Blue Topaz Ring valued at $1250!

Sounds pretty great, right? That's because it is. Here's what you need to know so you can start entering already and begin planning for your fabulous trip to NYC in  just a few short weeks!
*The contest runs November 4th-December 8th
*To enter just click here.
*Simply upload your photo, add some sparkles, and then click next. 
*Fill out the necessary information and then click enter.

As you can see I played around with Hpnotiq's sparkle app and fancied up an image of Chris and I from New Years Eve last year. Ah memories...

And now to discuss something even more important... what to wear on New Years Eve! Can you see the trend here? I'm kind of a sucker for a great long sleeved dress. I don't know why, I just love them. And the heels? Well a girl can pretend, can't I?

I think what it all comes down to is I'm just a fan of drinking champagne in a sparkly glass. I'm really not that hard to please. Hell, I'll even drink champagne in sweat pants to be honest. Which if Chris and I happen to go skiing over the New Year, that might be exactly what I do after all.

So there you have it, submit your photo today and make this New Years Eve one you'll never forget in New York City thanks to Hpnotiq!

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