Love, The Campbells

Introducing Erin from Love, The Campbells.

1. Why did you decide to start blogging?  

I was in a very monotonous job and didn't require any creative thinking.  After reading dozens of blogs, I knew I needed a space to let my fingers flow and collect those pretty pictures from around so I started Love, the Campbells!

2. What are two posts you've written recently you really like and why?

I loved this post because it really made me think about the answers.  Some of them were really hard for me and some I know will change in the future but I think every woman should be able to know the answers to these questions! In this post, I wrote about reaching the halfway point in my pregnancy and why we decided to not find out the gender of our baby.  I know I'm going to look back on this one years later and be thankful that we kept it a surprise!

3. What are your Thanksgiving plans?  

Typically I would say that I'm eating as much food as possible before it disappears while hanging out with both sides of our families in a house that doesn't have nearly enough couches for after dinner naps. This year however, my husband and I are escaping the cold Wisconsin weather and heading south where I'm hoping to be laying on a beach and eating lobster for Thanksgiving!

4. What do you love/loathe most about the holidays?  

The holiday music, Christmas lights, Santa in the malls and Pinterest exploding with holiday cheer are some of the things I'm loving this holiday season.  On the flip side, I'm not looking forward to going completely broke because I always overbuy.  My husband and I are (foolishly) hosting both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners and I'm kind of dreading the preparations for that as well.

5. What is on your holiday wish list this year?  

Hunter boots!  Those boots keep your feet dry in any kind of weather and I have a gut feeling this Wisconsin winter will be a brutal one.  I'm ready for the snow though...bring it on!

*Comments have been turned off here, visit Erin's blog to say hello!

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