The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever

Happy Friday, my friends!
I am sad to say my mom and Knox officially left town as of yesterday.

The three of us sure had a fun time together... I'm already counting the days until he returns!
(Permitted he works on his "hitting" issue.) He doesn't hit everyone, just me.
Really though Knox is a funny kid. Sometimes I think he's two going on eighteen.
I asked him if he was excited to go home to his baby sister and his response was,
"no, pink baby's working."
He doesn't call Lola his sister, just "the pink baby."

But anyway, before I get into another edition of The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever,
I've decided to buck up and share a brief clip from my improv show because a few friends have asked to see it... And because it's just too bad not to share the humiliation with others...

However, per the usual, I need to preface it with a few things/lay out my insecurities for you to judge.

1. You can go ahead and make fun of me, just know that everything you want to say/think
I've probably already thought about myself.
We're not professionals, we're just a bunch of improvisers having a damn good time.

2. Improv is scary as hell, posting a clip of it on a blog might be even scarier, however.

3. This is not my normal voice. I wish it was, it would probably make life a little more entertaining.
Sadly those are my facial expressions...

4. What you're about to see is the middle of our "Jeopardy" game. We are holding onto imaginary podiums, as well as imaginary buzzers. We get suggestions from the audience and then have to work them in.  It probably won't make any sense to you, most times it doesn't to me either.

And lastly, this is one of the weirdest things I've done. But I had a stupid amount of fun doing it so I guess the saying is true, sometimes you just gotta get a little bit weird.

Without further ado, meet "Donna McNally, owner of Doing It Donna Style."
As well as Melvin and Father Fitzpatrick.

Now let's move on before I get cowardly and take it down.
Time for another edition of The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.

I'll tell you who isn't having the best week ever,
Only because their fairygodbutter, Paula Deensy, has been through the ringer thanks to the fact
it was released she likes to throw around racial slurs.

For the most part I like Paula, but c'mon. Just because you're big and blonde doesn't mean 
you're allowed to speak like an old Southern racist. Get a hold of yourself.
But I guess this means Giada and Rachel Ray are most likely having a pretty great week.

This next one on my list is really cute, I'm talking about 
Rusty the Red Panda.

Rusty is the sweet one year old Panda who escaped the Washington Nation Zoo earlier this week.
He was gone for almost twenty four hours.
Can you imagine what he did in those 24 hours? I certainly can.
And now if I were good at making videos I would insert a cute little montage of 
"Rusty's Day Out" featuring him all over the city, popping in and out of places just after the Washington police were there looking for him.
But I'm not good at videos, so instead I'm just going to imagine him day drinking red beers on a 
patio somewhere, because I'm mature like that.

And currently in Chicago we've got the 
Stanley Cup Parade going on.

And I'm watching it from home like the 85 year old grandma I am.
It just looks like a lot chaos I'm not in the mood to deal with, it's predicted over two million people are currently in attendance.
The only way I'd like to be at the parade is from on top of one of the buses. Who's a girl gotta know to actually be in the parade? That's always more fun. 
I don't mean to boast, but back in Nebraska I've been in my fair share of parades, what with my mom owning a Jazzercise and my aunt owning Ricardos mexican restaurant.
Let's just say I've roller bladed down the main street as I held onto a huge blimp while simultaneously tossing out tootsie rolls.
No big deal. (But it kinda was.)

I'm going to wrap it up with the most important thing having the best week ever, and that's
I'm talking about the historic win for gay marriage on Wednesday in the Supreme Court.
If you don't agree with me on this one read this letter from a father to his gay son.

And if you still can't wrap your head around this please click on this post-->
I may not be guilty of getting married to a woman, but I am guilty of eating seafood,
and a ham sandwich (but only after Easter leftovers.)

Cheers to the weekend!
And cheers to taking risks like posting a video that literally makes my palms sweat when I think about all of you watching it.... Do something that scares you today, it's a cheap high I gotta admit.

*Follow along on Instagram @taylorgracewolfe as I do fun stuff this weekend.

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