It All Starts Right Here

Excuse my absence yesterday,
Knox insisted we see the sights of the city and didn't allow me a spare minute to myself.

Naturally, he wanted to go to the zoo for sixteen hours.
He's a pretty organized kid, so I think he must have stared at the zoo map plotting out his plan of attack for at least twenty minutes before he decided he wanted to go to see the "moo moos."

Always a good call to start with the exotic animals first, well played.
You can take the boy out of Nebraska, but you can't take the Nebraska out of the boy...
After the moo moos we rendezvoused over to the seals for a bit.
I love seals because they remind me of swimming Harlows.
Speaking of, have I mentioned Harlow's been away at summer camp for over a week now?
That will have to be a post for another day, it's a good thing he's gone (for him)
because I know camp allows him to really stretch his legs and run like the country dog
he was meant to be, but I'm not going to pretend it's not a hard two weeks for me.

But anyway, we concluded the zoo day with some ice cream.
Which by the way, don't ever let someone tell you ice cream can't be eaten with your hands.
Because it definitely can.
Ice cream can be eaten as easily with your fingers as say ranch, ketchup,
or barbecue sauce can be eaten.

After the ice cream escapade, my mom and I thought it was only right we treat ourselves to some
beers and oysters at Fish Bar while Knox listend to the trains go by across the street and liked to mimic the recording of "doors closing" every time one stopped.
Mind you this was around 5:00 p.m., so rush hour was in full force. I think he shouted "doors closing" about forty times in the short twenty minutes we were there.

All in all, a pretty solid day.

Now I'm not sure how I got so off topic, but my intention today was originally to talk about my graduation show at The Second City on Tuesday.

Truth be told, I hate being bad at something. Like it drives me nuts.
As opposed to all those people who love it...
And I know I'm still pretty bad at improv, and it kills me. It downright pisses me off.
So I've never been super pleased with the performances, mostly because I get out there and just start
word vomiting all over the stage only to stand back and think of one hundred better things
 I could have, and should have said.
The coulda woulda shouldas are the worst in improv life.

My part was to be a contestant in Jeopardy, so as I looked out into the dark audience and the lights shown bright in my face and I had literally one second to think of a character, the first thing that sprang to mind was to introduce myself as Donna McNally, from Omaha Nebraska,
who owns a dog grooming business called Doing It Donna Style.
But that's not even the worst part, the worst part is that before I could help it I realized I was doing the
"Target Lady" voice from SNL.
So I was basically doing Target Lady, as Donna McNally, as myself.
Real original, I know. As soon as I pronounced Omaha, as Ermerha, I knew I was done for.
I just had to go with it. In improv, it's go hard or go home. I should have chosen home.

Luckily I know you're going to fall on your ass about 900 times before you get something right,
so que sera sera.
It sounds weird, but my favorite part of the show was probably the backstage area we had to wait in before going on.
If you look in one of the photos above you can see it's just a tiny blue room
with chairs hanging on the wall,
but what you can't see are the thousands of signatures and one-liners plastered all over from every actor that has graced the stage in years past.
The one that stuck out the most to me was written right above the door before heading on stage,
"it all starts right here."
What that is, I'm not really sure because it's different for everyone.
But I took it as a good omen regardless.

So there you have it, it all started at The Second City with my first improv group known as
"My Friend Matt."
Cheers to figuring out what "it" is.


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