Summer Thoughts

Another Monday is down in the books.
I feel like Chicago got super lucky because we somehow managed to skirt the snow that 
was predicted to drop on us.
It wasn't going to be much, but at the end of March any snowflake falling from the sky is one too many,
if you ask me.
You hear that Whoville? Stay the hell away!

I put on heels (as opposed to boots) for the first time in about fifty five months this weekend
and Chris looked at me and said,
"you look really nice, is that a new outfit?"
No Chris, you have just been seeing me in the same brown boots and baggy sweaters all. year. long.
And it needs to stop.
I am just so ready to take all of my boots and pack them away into their winter box for good.
The idea of being able to go outside without 100 layers on literally feels like a dream.
I know it's possible, but it just doesn't seem real to me at the moment.
Anyone else feeling this way?

 I also happen to be making an unexpected trip to Nebraska tomorrow morning on account of a funeral.
So while it's not the best reason to go home, it will be nice to be back for a bit.
I haven't been home since Christmas, this is definitely the longest I have gone.
I guess I'm finally growing up... Or just too broke to go back as often. 

I was home right around this time last year as well, and was able to do some egg decorating 
with Mr. Knox.

His decorating skills were less than par. But that's okay, my family's never been extremely talented in
the art department.
What I wasn't okay with however, was his egg hunting skills.
I don't believe he even placed in the top twenty at 
The 97th annual Norfolk Country Club Easter Egg Hunt.
My sister Jade, as you can see below, came in 7th so that was nice for her.

But this is a title I owned from the minute I could crawl. 
So I'm really hoping to work with him this year to take the gold and restore the family name.
Afterall, second place is the first loser- Abby Lee.

Well I've got to finish packing and also get ready for my class tonight at Improv Olympic,
which the cool kids just call IO. 
Or I guess everyone calls it that now since it's been officially renamed.
I probably sound like my mom calling The Buckle, The Brass Buckle, 
so from here on out we're calling it IO and that's it.

Since I'm short on time today I'm going to leave you all with happy summer thoughts thanks to 
Katie and Ashley sharing a few of their favorite vacation memories.

Best Vacation By:

My favorite vacation was my honeymoon to Hawaii, which was almost 8 years ago.  Yes I got married when I was practically a child at age 20.  Which is probably why it was my favorite vacation.  It was the first beach vacation I had been on, first trip with my husband and was just about free thanks to wedding gifts from his family.  We snorkeled next to huge sea turtles, spent hours on the beach, and I decided sushi was my favorite food.  It was wonderful! 

Best Vacation By:

I absolutely loved when my husband, Noel and I went down to Charleston, SC.  
It's the best city in the world, hands down.  We had just lost a baby, and the trip was exactly what we needed to lift our spirits.  The weather was perfect, the food was amazing, and I'll always remember Charleston as being the place that gave me the boost I needed to start over.


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