Don't Stop Believing

I'm one of those weirdos who thinks they find little life "signs" on a daily basis.
In all honesty, I probably find them because I look for them.
Whether it's the song playing on the radio, or a license plate that reminds me of someone,
(sidenote: just say NO to personalized plates!)
whatever it might be I seem to find a reason as to why I think every
tiny moment has presented itself to me.
You should try it, it's pretty fun. And also a little pathetic perhaps.
Regardless, today I got my sign at FedEx.
I was in there sending a few packages to my "boss-ish" in Texas when I noticed
one of the workers just full on rocking out to a Journey song.
It was Don't Stop Believing and she was having her own jam session completely oblivious to anyone else in the store.
She was a little on the heavy side, her hair was disheveled, and she had a half eaten Snickers sticking out of her back pocket.
I was immediately intrigued.
The other customers around me in line were getting super pissed and huffy,
as I usually do too when I can see an employee is blatantly ignoring her duties.
But for some reason I didn't care, I was kind of enjoying the woman's complete disregard for her job.
When she finally turned around to serve us and I saw her name tag I couldn't help but chuckle.
Her name was Terry.
And even though her performance had ended, Terry was still humming Don't Stop Believing,
and acting as if we were all in her way
I loved it so much.
I realize seeing my alter ego working at a FedEx Kinkos might seem like a weird "sign"
 and it probably just solidifies for you that I have indeed gone off the deep-end.
But let's be real honest here, I went off the deep-end the moment I started writing about Terry.
And I'm okay with that.

So here's what I took away from this little situation,
A. Even Terry bucked up and got a job she wasn't super happy about, but it's okay.
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, it doesn't mean it's the end all to end all.
But most importantly,
B. Don't stop believing. Hold on to that feeling.

Today I had an interview for a job I'm marginally excited okay about.
It's a sales position, I'd basically be selling Dundler Mifflin paper products,
and I would probably have to wear gross close-toed heels
and panty hose while saying cheesy things like,
"you could get a good look at t-bone by sticking your head up a bull's ass, 
but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it."
(As if I haven't always been dying to say that line though really.)
But when I'm not on appointments, the job is work from home.
And that my friends, is something I can deal with.

So until HBO calls and tells me they're over Lena Dunham and want me to write a new series called,
- A show with zero nudity, lots of Mormons, and a DIY lesson at the end of every episode!
I think I'm going to move forward with the sales job.
And I'm okay with it.
I know it's time I buckle down for awhile because in just a few years my life is about to get super cool.

In the meantime I've got my improv to keep the jollies coming....
I'm taking the stage again with this good looking group this weekend!
We're called, "My Friend, Matt."

You can probably find a review of the show in the Chicago Tribune on Monday.
And by Chicago Tribune I mean one of my classmate's Facebook statuses.


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