5 Ways To Get Your Blog Noticed

The blogging world is a lot like the Duggar world, it just continues to grow every day,
(and mostly with girls in long maxi skirts.)
Some bloggers last, some don't, and everyone seems to have their own reasons regarding why they finally took the plunge and started their own.
From what I've gathered the secret to longevity in blogland is one simple thing,
you have to enjoy doing it.
If you start out just with the intention of getting followers, or turning your site into a money-maker,
well then to that I say good luck.
I'm sure it can be done, I've just seen more times than not those blogs seem to fizzle out faster than they even started.

pic 1 shows me creepily asking Knox to come pose. pic 2 shows how much Knox loves posing with me.

With all that being said... I'm not afraid to admit watching my blog grow is incredibly fun.
And exciting, and also a bit addicting.
We're only human and we all want some form of validation,
 so if that means watching traffic/follower-count increase so be it.
However if I were into this "blogging thing" just for numbers I would have dropped out long ago.
I've mentioned more than a few times that I blogged for roughly three years with a steady follower count of just under thirty.
And it didn't bother me a bit.
But in March of 2012 when I had about 37 followers I decided it was time to try and get some more,
just for the hell of it really.
I wanted to see if I could get to 500, mostly because at this time my hits per day were right around 500,
but only by non-bloggy people, thus the reason I wrote for three years without a single comment.
When I got my first comment I was so freaked out because I didn't know the person,
I thought they were taunting me.... I was, and still am, quite oblivious about many things blog related.

Anyway,  the whole point of this post is that I get numerous emails every single week from bloggers just starting out asking for advice on how to grow their blog in the beginning.
So here's what I told them...
disclaimer: this is just what worked for me, I'm obviously not an expert,
so take it for what it's worth.
hands on the hips=power stance.

#1. Comment On Other Blogs.
More specifically, comment on blogs similar in size to your own.
Funny story- the first blog I ever commented on was Love Taza,  (back when it was Rockstar Diaries) and I was so shocked/disappointed when I never got a response. Lol, me.
And if you want someone to follow you back, for the love of God don't ask them,
just leave a real comment, something beyond "hey pretty lady, love your blog!" (insert cringe face.)

source: #thetopknot

#2. Link-Ups.
Participate in them.
I've gotten pretty lazy now, but I used to be link-up crazy.
I would literally do them all because I would often
get new readers and followers that would tell me they found me through one of the link-ups.

#3. Button swaps.
If you don't have a button I suggest you make one, and if you don't know how to make a good one just spend a few bucks and hire someone.  And then pimp that thing out as best you can.

#4. Guest posts.
Last summer for one month I announced that I was available to write guest posts on any blog,
for absolutely anyone who asked.
I think I wrote about thirty five posts that month.
It was mostly for blogs similar to my size, but some were for sites that had as little as 5-10 followers.
It was a lot of work, but I increased my traffic from about 500 views per day to 800 in that one month.

#5. Advertise.
I know many of you don't want to hear this, but paying for spots on other bigger blogs helped me a lot
when I was just getting started. It still helps me today, actually.
People I've had good luck with are Raven, Erin, Bon and of course anytime Yoga Pants gives me a shout-out I get tons of hits, same goes for Helener.
These days I won't pay for a spot unless it comes with some sort of guest post,
you've got to get your name out there somehow.

So there you have it, five simple ways to get your blog noticed.
There's obviously many others, I just listed a few that worked for me.
If you have any other tips/suggestions that worked for you I'd love to hear them!

*T minus three hours until Knox's baby sister sets sail for the homeland.
Be prepared for my Instagram@taylorgracewolfe to blow up with baby pics.


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