I Think I've Been Discovered

I haven't been checking my traffic lately just because I've been pretty busy,
and I've been a little bit out of the blogging mode for the past few days.
So you can imagine my surprise last night when I just happened to click on that lovely
"stats" button and noticed I was getting significantly more hits than usual.
When I read the name of the site that was bringing me all of these hits, www.smosh.com,
my first thought was, oh now this doesn't sound good.
And then when I clicked on the site and read the title of the article-
21 Horrible Prom Dresses
I realized I was wrong, it was really really good.
Feast your eyes on photo #9 from the list.

This might come as a surprise to you, but those aren't three prom dress models you see,
it's actually myself and my two pals Sarah and Jordan in high school.
And no, we are not professional models.
We've just been chosen to be featured on this elite list.
And I am honored.
Speechless really.

First of all, I'd just like to thank Center Stage Spa in Lincoln, Nebraska
 for giving me that lovely orange tan.
Although I've since heard that spa has closed down, which really comes as a shocker to me considering the way they had perfected the beautiful Oompa Loompa glow, not to mention that fine looking up-do.
I think that hair-do can only be described as a grancy:
 greasy slick down in the front, fancy up-do in the back.

Where did that dress/bikini top come from you ask?
Well it's not from Christina Aguilera's Genie in a Bottle video as you might have thought.
It's actually a look inspired from one of the greatest actresses of our time,
Alex Mack. And the secret world of.
When she wore this dress as Bianca in the movie 10 Things I Hate About You,
I knew I had to have it.

But because I bought my dress in a  (bridal)boutique in Sioux City, Iowa.
Naturally it looked a little more white trash/skanky.
And of course I have to give a big shout out to Claire's: Jewelry and shit Accessories
for that lovely dangling belly ring I am wearing, the dress just wouldn't have been complete without it.

Last but not least, a big thanks to my parents for letting me be myself and take that huge fashion risk.
Many of you might wonder why they did.
Well here's the thing, when you have a sixteen year old daughter who only prefers to wear
mens XL basketball shorts and Converse Weapons sneakers every other day of the year,
well I'm sure you wouldn't find much harm in letting her wear a dress like this either.

(Just for a visual here are the Weapons. Only mine had #22 written all over them.)

And would you look at who is #19 on the list.

I'll be on a list with her any day.
Maybe I'll Tweet her and see if she'll answer me back.
Better yet, maybe we should all tweet her this list and see if she'll answer any of us....
Yeah, that's what we should do. Do me a favor and give Ellen a tweet and I'll be forever grateful.

Anyway.... moral of the story of all of this:
"In a world where you can be anything, be yourself!"


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