I've been having some "blogger probs" lately.
Like for starters I haven't been in the mood to do it, and this never happens for me.
I blame it on the fact I love being outside right now rather than indoors on a computer.
I've tried to do like the pilgrim bloggers did and write a post the old fashioned way,
you know with a pen and paper while watching Harlow at the dog park,
but that just didn't happen.
You wanna know how I know you're a blogger?
Because you complain about it.
Just kidding, but ask Chris and he might say otherwise.
I obviously love blogging or I wouldn't be doing it, but there are certain facets to it that give me
Blogger Shame Syndrome.
Like for instance...
#1. Taking food pics.
If you follow me on Instagram @taylorgracewolfe (see that plug right there? that will be #4 of BSS)
you're probably thinking, yeah right you love food pics.
While at home, yes I do love taking photos of food, that is true.
But when I'm at a restaurant and the food has just been set down and I know it's my duty as a blogger to snap a pic before taking a bite? That's what I hate. That's when I hang my head in blog shame.
Chris sees it all the time, I usually try to do it as quick as possible and mumble something like,
Sorry I know it's dumb, it's for the blog, don't judge, I'm lame, I hate myself... or something like that.
I know some of you Negative Nellys are wondering why I do it if I hate it so much,
it's not like I'm being forced.
"Take a photo of this food and put in on Instagram RIGHT NOW or else.
And you better use Mayfair or you're gonna get it."
Sorry, just had a funny thought about if all bloggers were actually forced to take all the dumb photos we do.
Anyway.... the reason for the food pics is because I'm not an idiot and I realize that every post needs a photo or two to liven it up a bit.
And I'm not exactly taking 100 selfies or outfit posts, so I gotta work with what I can.
Which brings me to #2.
#2. Will you take a photo of me real quick?
And I'm cringing just writing this. Because I'm imagining myself asking it.
Just for the record I don't hate your selfies. Not in the least.
I just hate mine.
Me: "Hey Chris, will you like a take a photo real quick?"
Chris: "Sure, of you?"
Me: "Yeah, I mean I need some new ones for the blog."
Chris: "I feel like you're always in this outfit when I take photos for you."
And cue BSS and me getting mad and just saying forget it then!
Here is the last photo Chris took of me, it was on St. Patricks Day.
I think I said, "hey will you take a photo of me since I put on some makeup today?"
And then a huge group of guys and girls walked by at that very moment and I felt like the biggest ass being that girl who has her boyfriends take selflies, outside no less.
#3. Blogger Stress.
Write a new post or die!!!The fact I even stress sometimes about writing a new post for my personal little online diary gives me shame.
I think fellow bloggers probably understand this, but for everyone else whenever I have to say
"I can't meet you until I finish writing a new post today,"
I feel like they look at me like I'm an idiot and wonder why I take this little "hobby" so seriously.
Then again maybe they don't, this could just be my BSS.
#4. Shameless Plugs.
Anything that has to do with "Hey Follow Me!"
i.e. giveaways, guest posts, shout outs, what have you. Yes I participate in it all, but that doesn't mean I don't feel partly shameful about it.
Obviously I really love comments, the short ones and the long ones , what blogger doesn't?
But I wish some readers would resist the urge to comment,
"Hey pretty lady, want to follow each other?"
Maybe I'm just being cold here, but that drives me absolutely batty.
Again, this is just a preference thing. Perhaps some of you like this, I just know I don't.
I once had a comment on one of my guest posts where someone said,
Tay! It was so good to get to know you from this post! You seem like such a fun girl.
Clue: I was not the one posting that day. At least she got my name right.
#5. Traffic.
What I wouldn't give to go back to the day when I didn't even know traffic could be monitored.
Ignorance is bliss.
The fact that low blog traffic can sometimes make me feel "bad" makes me hate myself on a level I didn't know I could.
There's people around the world who can't eat, or get water, or have a roof over their head,
and I sometimes get pissy because my numbers are lower than usual.
That's just a bunch of BSS right there.
I complain, but only because I love it.
It's a hard blog life, but someone's gotta live it.