Oh...This is Awkward

Introducing the hilarious Jennie from Oh... This is Awkward.
I kid you not, this girl is funny. If you don't believe me just read this post.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.

I am Jennie. I am an awkward human and I like to make people laugh, and by people I mean myself. I secretly want to be a hipster. One time I made my friend pee her pants. I have a passion for the Goo Goo Dolls and for marriage equality. I am disgustingly tall. When I was eleven, I legitimately thought I was going to get a Hogwarts letter of acceptance and was genuinely disappointed when it did not come. I think my blog entertains and horrifies my parents at the same time. One time my roommate burned my kitchen down.

2. Why is your blog called Oh This Is Awkward

Well, I thought about making my blog a lifestyle wifey kind of deal, where I refer to my spouse by cutesy names such as "Hubbers" and name it, "The Life and Times of a Husband and His Girl.", because I'm Mormon and I think there is an unwritten rule in our religion that you have to create a blog the minute you get engaged. But then I forgot to get married at 19 years old, so there went that idea. "Oh... This Is Awkward" was my second best option. Merp.

3. Speaking of, what is the most awkward situation you've even been involved in?

Last week, I told my roommate that I thought it would be funny to have a pet sperm, which I assumed was something she would not quote me on in public. Alas, that was not the case.

Speaking of, one time I posted on my blog about my hatred of sperm eyebrows and a couple days later had a ton of hits from a random Finnish website. I found out some poor girl with some foolish eyebrows had posted pictures of herself and somebody had linked her to that particular post. I felt a bit bad about that.

4. What do you enjoy about blogging?
Can I be cheeseball here and say the community? Overall, I'm not terribly involved in the promotion side of things (hosting giveaways, participating in linkups, sponsoring, guest posting), but I love the friends that I have made. There's something awesome about creeping on someone's life via their blog/Twitter/Instagram, knowing oodles about them, and not being considered creepy. Also, one time I won a giveaway and that was pretty cool.

5. Why do you hate social media?
Facebook makes me hate the people I know in real life. Once I even took the time to write down the 46 different types of Facebook users that annoy the pants off of me (not literally). It turns out the Facebookers of the world all hate their friends too, because that's my most popular post ever.


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