5 Things

I'm blaming the weather on my writers block at the moment.
But you know what's worse than having blizzards in April?
Having to look at hundreds of photos of the blizzard in April.
I get it, it snowed.
I know, I should just get off Facebook. But what if I miss something really important...

So because I'm at a loss for words today, I'm going to pull something out of my back pocket
I've been keeping there for a rainy day.
I'm talking about that "5 Things" topic we all saw floating around blogger/Instagram like six months ago.
Brie tagged me forever ago, and I think it's finally the right time to play along.

Five things going on in my life right now... 
Let's start with the most important one first.

1. Just today, a Dunkin Donuts opened only 500 feet away from my apartment.
And it's a real fancy Dunkin, not one of those dirty ones from the 90s.
I am BEYOND nuts about it. Seriously, I'm weirdly excited.
The second I saw their doors appeared to be unlocked this morning around 9:15 a.m.
I ran in there so fast, I almost popped the balloons in the doorway.
"You guys open?!?!?" I asked like a fat kid escaped from fat camp.
And the worker looked at the clock and said,
"Well not officially until 11:00 a.m., but we can give you a free donut and coffee in the meantime."
Just like that, my Thursday was made.
And I didn't even have to tell them what my my addiction was to get the free coffee and donuts.
"You're gonna be seeing a lot of me around here," I said as I walked out, donut in hand.
And the coworkers looked to each other like I was the biggest creep ever.

2. Yesterday, my mom and I discovered the best French Onion soup in the city.
*sidenote: my mom is in town for some work meetings.
Like Kris Jenner, she is technically my momager. Only we don't sell our souls, we sell technology to schools- kinda. Don't ask, you all know by now I do weird jobs.
Anyway, the place is in Boystown and it's called Le Creperie.
I seriously haven't had crepes or soup this good since Paris.
(And yes, I just said that to sound incredibly pretentious. Did it work?)

3. Last night Chris, my momager, and I went to Tj & Dave's comedy show at IO.
Tj and Dave are like the Michael Jordans of improvising.
They're literally known world wide for being the very best.
You might also recognize Tj from the Sonic commercials, he's usually the guy with the tots.
(He's the one in the green.)

They're hilarious.
Again, not sure why I shared this tid bit as #3, it's just what's going on right now.
If you like improv, go to their show. It's as good as it gets.

4. Have you seen this shirt yet? It's all over blogland right now.

I'm usually hesitant to do product reviews just because they make me feel weird and I'm not sure why.
Might have something to do with the awkward smile I make when someone is photographing me.
But I LOVE this shirt. It's taken over my "Thirsty Thursday" shirt as my go-to.
Not only is it super soft, but a portion of the profits go to multiple sclerosis research.
It's a win win. Order one.

5. See that cute chair in the background up above? It belongs in the house of my pal, Tyeler.

She loves this photo because she just did her hair. And because it's her favorite Nike top.

Anyway, I stayed with Tyeler last weekend and politely told her that when she is "officially finished"
decorating her house I think she needs to let me post a tour of it.
Because it's amazing.
It looks like a house straight out of a magazine. A magazine I don't even read yet because I don't know anything about home decor at this point in my life.
Her place makes my home look like a tiny old garden level apart-wait....

Sometimes it's hard going back to Nebraska and seeing all of the land my friends get to live on.
And closet space. And garages. And lack of rats.
A garage, I can hardly imagine how luxurious that must be...

It's a trade off, my friends.
Rats or garages. I chose rats. And I'm cool with that.
Because nowhere in Nebraska can you live just a hop away from a Dunkin!!!
And on that note, it's just about time for donut happy hour.

*Just realized I've been spelling Dunkin Donuts "Duncan Donuts" for 25 years now.
All because of that damn toy maker, Mr. Duncan.


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