The Longest Airport Day Ever

Yesterday I finally boarded a plane at 7:00 p.m.,
after having boarded my original flight at 1:30 p.m.,  sat on the plane on the runway for two hours,
and then were finally told we could get off because the flight was officially cancelled.
To say it was a long travel day would be an understatement.
But nobody likes a complainer, I know. (I'll leave the story for tomorrow)
Until then,
 the girl taking over my blog for the day is one of the most cheerful, optimistic blogger's out there.
I'm talking about Deidre from Love, The Skinnys

1. Describe your blog in three words.
Super Sassylicious Newlyweds? or.... Two Crazy Kids

2. Your husband is a baseball player and I know the season is just starting, 
what does this mean for you?
It means a lot of baseball games online and in person. If Adam is away my weekends are spent at home or at one of the other wives' houses with the game tracker open so we can always see the score. If Adam is home my weekends are spent at the baseball field watching games. It also means a lot of stress when Adam pitches because he makes me so nervous!

3. Where do you see you and your husband in five years?
Ideally I would be a stay at home Mom by then. Adam would be pitching for a MLB team. I would be planning event on the side for fun, just because I love it and I hate working. We will have our first home and live somewhere that winter takes only 3 months, as the season was designed... no more of this winter from October-April stuff. We will be busy, we will be laughing, and we will still be supporting each other.

4. Tell us how will you will be celebrating Easter tomorrow.
First I will celebrate by waking up at 4 or 5 AM to drive back to UT from ID after doing stuff for Miss Idaho the day before. After that Adam and I will see what the Easter bunny brought us, go to church, and enjoy a day of relaxation and snuggling.

5. What are you most looking forward to about summer?
Besides spending more time outside and watching more baseball... I am looking forward to sun, mini golf, and more Raspberry Peach Lemonades at sonic during Happy Hour. The simple pleasures or a working girl's summer.


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