The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever

And we've offically made it through yet another January!
We're only twenty eight days away from March, people. This is good.
And even though it's a lovely 1 degree currently in Chicago, I can tell spring is just around the corner.
I just can't help but be in a great mood today.
I even got out of bed before 8:00 a.m. I was so excited about it.
But enough dicking around, let's jump right into it.

It's time for another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever

Boy oh boy, this has been quite the week.
First a heat wave rolled through the Midwest.
 It was literally 64 degrees on Tuesday and by Wednesday already there was an ice storm.
I just can't imagine living in a climate that doesn't drastically change within in eight hours.
There's just no fun in that.

In preparation of Sunday, the first thing on my list having the best week ever is
Because the Super Bowl just isn't the Super Bowl unless you've eaten a block of cheese
that is as heavy as a brick, and as smelly as a wet basement,
that doesn't require refrigeration. 
Velveeta is what Amurika is all about.

Speaking of America, I've got to bring up the next thing on my list having a stellar week-
Frat Boys.

I know what you're thinking, what week isn't the best week ever if you're living in a frat house?
Well it just got even better thanks to the announcement this week that
the Day After pill is now going to be sold in vending machines on college campuses.
"Hey girl, will you get me some Peanut M&Ms. 
And a Day After pill?" 

I have a feeling Satan's 18 year old son is behind this one.
Every time a pill is sold, an angle loses its wing.

Speaking of sons, how awesome do you think this week has been for the

In case you've been locked in a shed for the past month,
I'll let you know that the Harbough's two sons are both coaches for the teams playing in the
Super Bowl this weekend.
I have a feeling everybody else in this family hates this couple.
I bet they get a lot of eye rolling and "they would do that" looks at Christmas.

And finally, the one group having the best week ever has got to be the
Boy Scouts.

They've finally lifted the ban that didn't allow homosexuals to join.
To which 3rd grade me rudely yelled, "yeah right! boy scouts have always been gay!"
{I was very immature then and used mean derogatory terms like that. I don't any longer. }
The girl scouts of today also responded,
"Nooo! Now they're finally going to be competitive when it comes to
raising money, crafting, and having good uniforms!"
In all seriousness I can't believe this was even a decision that needed to be made.
As if little boys that already know they're gay don't have it hard enough at that age,
what with rude 3rd graders like myself running around.

Honorable mention this week also goes to
Brooke Hogan's legs.
And her creepy dad for posting the photo.

Anyone else see a creepy resemblance between Brooke's legs and Hulk's stache?

And this has been another edition of The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.
To check out which blogger is having the best week ever head on over to The Browse Blog.

Have a good weekend, everyone.
Go do something a little weird.

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