The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever

I'm gonna be real honest and just say that I've been pretty out of the loop this week.
The most recent updates I got on the ship had to do with where the midnight buffet
was being served, and which bar had happy hour going on.

I caught a few whiffs of news since returning to land and know that
Hilary Clinton had to go to the hospital because she's pregnant with Kanye's baby,
the fiscal cliff was washed away by hurricane Malfoy,
and Khloe Kardashian "accidentally" showed her Britney,
(which looked more like a Justin)
when getting out of a limo on New Years Ever.
So not a big news week, anyway.

Thus the reason I'm choosing to make this week's
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever
Cruise Ship Edition

First up we've got
The Wobble.

So am I the only one who had no idea what "da wobble" was until this vacation?
It's a dance, kinda like the dougie, only it's called the wobble.
And that's all you do- you wobble.
You want to know what's more awkward than doing a dance called the Wobble?
It's watching a drunk twenty year old girl do the Wobble next to a very sober 
eight year old boy.
The dance becomes two entirely different things.
Next time a cruise ship decides to have a dance contest during the day,
they should probably separate it into age groups.
Then again,  I bet the little boy probably would say differently.

Speaking of awkward, 
my other favorite part about the trip was the name of our dining room for the week,
So the first night when I was late to dinner and wasn't sure where to go, 
I learned the hard way not to go up to the first group of drunk college guys I saw and say,
"I'm trying to find ecstasy. 
Do you guys happen to know where ecstasy is?"

And then I've got to mention something I took particular note of on this trip
and wondered if anyone else has ever noticed such a thing.
Dog nipples.
also referred to as dipples.

Anyone else ever notice that dogs in other countries have the biggest nipples?
I didn't see any on the actual ship, but while walking around the islands they were all over.
And then I remembered I see this happen a lot in Cabo, as well.
Chris says it has to do with the fact we neuter more often here,
I for one think it's just a trend that hasn't hit the American canine community yet.

But there is one thing that most definitely had the best week ever on
the cruise ship and that's 
New Years Eve.

There were streamers, and balloons, and drunk people doing the wobble all 
over the place.
It was awesome.
I'm just sad I don't recall more of it...

How's this for an oddly elegant family photo?
Notice Chris's "tan." He turns brown by just looking at the sun.
I turn freckly. And dry. And peely.

Oh, but it was a good time.

It was such a good time Knox was passed out before the night even began.

Just like his auntie.
Oh to be young again.
there's those size 13 feet again...

Happy new year,
happy weekend,
happy everything.

Happy January.

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