The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever

For as eventful as last week was, this week seems to have been a bit more quiet.
Anyone else feel that way?
Chris and I have big plans of staying in tonight to make quinoa stuffed peppers,
I'm pretty excited about it.
Permitted they turn out like I hope, there will be photos to follow on Instagram.

A light dusting of snow arrived yesterday,
so naturally Harlow begged to wear his snow boots to the park.
Of course I let him.
I'm such a softy.

Have you ever seen a dog walk with shoes on?
I recommend you youtube it. You won't be disappointed.
Harlow walked like a platypus for only a block and then he was back to running like a Clydesdale.
When he runs with his boots on it sounds like a pack of horses are running through an open field.
And for those of you who are thinking I'm an animal abuser for dressing my dog in boots
I'll have you know the large rock salt the city of Chicago uses on the streets absolutely kills Harlow's paws.
I mistakenly took him outside without his snow shoes on earlier in the day and actually had
to carry him home (it wast quite the sight I imagine) because he refused to walk on the salt.

Anyway, let's get to it.
Time for another edition of
The Daily Tay's Best Week Ever.

Even though I don't want to, I guess I have to start with the most obvious choice-
Michelle Obama's to be specific.

You'd think this was the first time the world has seen this haircut the way
everyone has been reacting.
Let's not forget I've been wearing this style on and off again since 1988.
I for one think it's still up for debate as to who wore it better.

And then we've got one of my favorite reality "stars" in the news right now
Uncle Poodle.
Also known as Honey Boo Boo's uncle.

Uncle Poodle is apparently trying to get his own TV show about 
"being gay in the South"
But I'm pretty sure he was denied given there is already a show with that premise called "Nashville."
It was also released this week that Uncle Poodle is HIV positive after being infected by an ex lover.
Let's just hope it wasn't Sugar Bear. 

Speaking of Sugar Bear, the next thing I have to mention are 
"Ho Downs"
Which we all know is just another word for lip syncing thanks to Ashlee Simpson a la SNL 2007.

Only this time it's Obama's right hand girl in the spotlight, Beyonce.

Why Beyonce why??? 
Why did you lip sync at the inauguration?
The presidential inauguration is a time to highlight all of the best celebrities and pop stars
of our time and you have tainted it.
Look at Joey Biden, even he's upset.
Or perhaps just constipated, I imagine he's been eating a lot of rich food at all of these events.

But there's no shocker that the one person having the best week ever is 
Justin Bieber's Butt.

After putting this photo on Instagram (sans the pink star)
he officially beat out Lady Gaga for the most followed celebrity on Twitter.
(But only by a crack.)
In other news, Twitter announced they had a significant peak in user registration
in the male demographics over the age of forty five, 
mostly all listing their residence as "a dark basement" or "beat up old van."

What is our world coming to...
Is Lady Gaga going to have to tweet a pic of her little Lady Gaga to take back her reign?
Let's hope not. Because I've heard rumors. 

Anyway, that's all I've got.
I need to head over to The Browse and put up the features for the day... Maybe it's you!

Have a great weekend, everyone! 
The next one will already be in February. And then it's March.
Which means summer is basically here again. WOOHOO!


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