Bachelor Edition

I missed the first ten minutes of this episode due to the extremely long line
at Pei Wei.
How long does it take to make a crab raccoon? Seriously now?

So I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume I missed three things:

1. Sean with his shirt off while working out or shaving or cutting fresh fruit.
Perhaps all three.

2. A 35 minute preview of what we're about see in the next sixty minutes.

3. Chris Harrison putting on lipstick while prancing around his room in high heels as the song
"Teenage Dirtbag" plays in the background.
C'est la vie.

I came in just in time to watch Leslie and Sean kiss each other Duggar style for three painful minutes while in front of a crowd full of Midwestern tourists.
It was the longest three minutes of my life. Also known as zero dark thirty.
I would rather be water boarded than ever participate in something like that,
or ever have to watch something like that again.
And I don't want to burst anyone's bubble,
but I'm pretty sure there are certain films out there that would break "three minutes of kissing"
records like this.
They break the kissing record and then some. I've heard.

To say I lost a little respect for my girl Lez might be an understatement.

But then I watched a bunch of women paint the initial of the boy they like on their body like we used to do in middle school,  and then cry because they lost a beach volleyball game.
And I was reminded that Lezzy is still pretty good in comparison.

I will note that this year's gals all seem to look quite nice in their bikinis.
I saw more than a few six packs in the house.
Guess the girl in the green sarong didn't get the no-carb memo.

And then little Miss Kacie B. went and stuck her foot in her frizzyhaired mouth.
I've never liked Sean as much as I did when he said,
"I want Kacie to act like Kacie, and not like this crazy Casey Anthony in front of me."
Or something along those lines.
He saw right through her little double-crossing act. Touche Blond Boy, touche.

Then just as AshLee was about to go on her date, Tierra accidentally threw herself down the stairs.
And everyone was really worried about her.
But what I want to know is why was no one concerned about the fact AshLee spells her name like
DebBee. Or LoRee. Or Jef(One F.)
AshLee seems like a real sweet girl and all, but c'mon, you're out of foster care,
leave the "I was born in a dumpster" roots behind.

And ABC definitely gets the humanitarian award for bringing those two internet best friends together.
That was sweet.
I love how all internet relationships turn out so good these days.

But back to Ash#Lee.
You know who she reminds me of?
My favorite Disney Princess, Tenley.
Whoa. WHOA.
That's intense. They're like the same computer-edited person.
They look like Sims.

Before we knew it, the rose ceremony was just around the corner which meant it was time to play
Musical Girls.
It's like musical chairs, only much more degrading.
I always find this part especially sad, to watch grown women try to desperately sell themselves as quickly as possible.
Kinda reminds me of myself in an interview actually.

Then blah blah blah Kacie B. was kicked off and the Amish girl was sent back to Iowa.
But at least Tierra got to stay.
I'm really anxious to see how this hot mess plays out.

I've got a feeling it's going to end with a duel between herself and Winnie.
Naturally Winnie will win, she always wins.
She lives in the Wonder Years for Gods sake.
ps- thanks to Hilary for bringing this similarity to my attention.

This has been another great Monday, Bachelor friends.
I'll be on the edge of my seat until next week.

And now I'm going to use this brief time to announce the official launch of my newest site
The Browse
The blogging society at its best.

This site has been many months in the making and I am thrilled it is finally all coming together.

The Browse aims to bring you the very best of the blogging world on a daily basis,
 from blogs both big and small. Let’s face it, some days are better than others in this blogosphere. Because one moment you’ll read a post that makes you think “why didn’t I come up with that” and the next moment you’ll come across one that makes you think “I’m so glad I didn’t come up with that one”… It happens to the best of us bloggers. The Browse eliminates the should have stayed in draft mode posts, and instead delivers you only the I could have written that posts we all know and love.

I've already done the digging, all you have to do is sit back and Browse.
Head on over to see what blogs have been featured today.

In the meantime, find me on twitter @thebrowse.
I will be giving away several free ad spots via twitter and Facebook tonight
so make sure to follow along so you can win!

I truly appreciate all of the kind words and tweets expressed already in support of
The Browse.
I am really excited about this site and feel good about the fact I am finally
putting all of my blog-reading hours to some good use.

On to bigger and better things my friends.


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