Dear Job Fairy

It's me again. Shocker, I know.
Just wanted to touch base and see how things are going.
How are your boys? Still on the right track to becoming the best fairies in their class I hope?
Good good.
Looks like I'll be needing your assistance again.
Tis the season, eh?
I'm assuming you still have my info on file but if not,
here it is again.

Here I am back in '72 when I used to drive the school bus in Pierce, Nebraska.
Best job I never had.

To whom it may concern:
I have an entrepreneurial spirit and am challenged daily by striving to meet professional and also personal goals.
I've started a variety of companies such as the
The Day After Book- a book where people can anonymously share their best drunken stories.
I also wrote a childrens book about an aunt who needs alcohol to care for her nephew.
Oh, and don't forget about the underground candy ring I ran in third grade.
As well as the henna (Sharpie) tattoo club in middle school.

I am ambitious, innovative and have excellent communication and writing skills. 
I write a daily blog where I frequently rant about random subjects.
Although please note, if you hire me I will immediately block you from this site.

I am very tolerant and get along well with others.
Except for douche bags, for some reason I just don't click with that type of folk.
I have trouble laughing at jokes that aren't funny,
especially when people say the joke twice just to make sure it was heard.
I am also allergic to coworkers who wear kitten heels or Ed Hardy on casual Friday.

I always present myself in a professional and respectable manner.
Unless I'm hungover. 
And I will not wear panty hose under any situation.
I suffer from the seven year old syndrome in that tights give me the itchies
and they hang uncomfortably low in the crotchal area.

I am very driven and career focused.
However in order for me to be 100% focused, my career must be 1 of 4 things.
1. Blogger.
2. Author.
3. Screenwriter.
4. Cool Ranch Dorito tester.

I won't work summers and I need at least a month off for Christmas.
I also prefer if you pay for my cell phone and internet.
As well as HBO and Showtime.

Thank you for your careful consideration. 
I welcome the chance to make significant contributions and represent 
a company full of opportunity and promise.  


Thanks girl.
You know the drill, you get me the job and I'll leave you the goods
under the pillow.



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