The 10 Most Fascinating People of 2012 part deux

Last week I announced the first five on my list of the
 Ten Most Fascinating People of 2012.
I hadn't intended to release my list this early, but of course old Babs McGee tried
to outshine me by making her list public first,
so I figured what the hell, I might as well tell mine too.

So without further ado,
here's the second half of my list.

#6. People Who Read 50 Shades of Grey. 
In Public.
It's true, I have not read this book. But let's just say I know what it's about.
From what I've heard, it gives an entire new meaning to the phrase
"she's lost her marbles" if you know what I'm saying.
Regardless, I'm not writing this with any judgement in mind. If this many people like it there's gotta be something to it.
I am simply fascinated by those of you ballsy enough (pun intended) to read this book
in broad daylight, in a public setting. Next to someone's grandma at the airport.
Then again, I'm such a Modest Mary I would never watch porn on my ipad on a plane, either.

#7. The Cast of Nashville

As I've mentioned before I hate myself for liking this show,
a little piece of my soul dies every time I watch it.
I don't like country music, I don't like denim on denim,
and I still think of Hayden as being from Bring It On 37.
That being said, I am so fascinated that all of the actors are actually singing.
They good. Real good.
And Connie Britton?! I'm in love. Where has she been all my life?

#8. McKayla Maroney
And the fact that she is not impressed.
I am beyond fascinated with all Olympic athletes, but especially those who 
are good enough to win a silver medal and then pose with an expression like this are on their face.
If you'd like to see what else McKayla's not impressed with click here.

#9. Kardashian Fan Clubs on Twitter
I stand strong in the belief that someone hacked my twitter a while ago because
without my knowledge I suddenly found myself following
Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloe and Kendall!
(not Kylie, her "I just got pricked in the ass" smile still freaks me out.)
Since I was following all of these ladies, I started to notice all of their creepy fans
had twitter accounts solely devoted to following them.
They say things like "If you retweet this it will make my life!"
and "Please add me I will be be forever grateful!"
and other crazy shit like that.
And it fascinates me. How obsessed/off your rocker do you have to be to create a Twitter account
that is purely for the use of showing your love for the Kardashian family?
*just for the record I no longer follow any Kardashians.
except for Kenall, she's just so damn pretty I like to make myself feel bad by looking at her.

And the final person on my list for 2012 is none other than
my two year old nephew,

#10. Knox
Holy crap does this kid fascinate me.
Every time I see him he's a new person.
One minute he is dancing like a seventeen year old at a underground European rave to the
Gummibar song,
and the next minute he's so upset I'm worried he might burn down the house with his telekinesis.
And it all seems to depend on whether or not he's had his drug of choice- sleep.
If he's got his nap for the day we all know we're good, for a few hours anyway.
But when he starts jonesing for that next fix, you better watch out.
And everybody can see it coming because his eyes get all bloodshot,
he starts scratching his face, and if he doesn't get a blanket and pillow soon,
all hell will break loose.
At just two years old he knows exactly what he wants out of life, and how to get it.
What more could you ask for.
He's not quite fluent with the English language yet, but when you've got a jump shot like
his that doesn't really matter.

And that's my list for 2012.
Next year I'm hoping Knox's little sister (due in June)
 will be cool enough to make the list as well...
Technically she could be a he.
But either way I think Taylor has a nice ring to it.


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