Here's the Winner...

So remember that giveaway I had last week?
Well the Rafflecopter Gods have chosen and the winner is...
Random, I know. But I swear I didn't cheat, it's total luck.
Just kidding. The real winner is Tracy Evelyn.
So congrats Tracy! I shall be sending you an email very soon!

And now I'm going to attempt to corral Harlow, who is currently running 180s around my place.
For whatever reason, post bath time for him is like a straight shot of adrenaline to the heart.
Pulp Fiction style.
I'm not even kidding. He's about to start climbing the walls soon.
I need to grab him real quick because if ever there was a time for him to fully test out his
Halloween costume, it's right now.
Here's a refresher as to what I'm talking about-

Let's go, Jockey Man. It's your time to shine.

So now I'm going to leave you all with a really awesome girl named
Krista from Crescendo. 
Not only do I just love the content of her blog, scroll through just a few posts and you'll see
she covers everything from fashion, to food, to fitness,
but I also love the overall look of her blog.
It's fancy and oh so pretty. Check it out for yourself.

Hey Daily Tay Readers! I'm Krista and I blog over at Crescendo!
I stumbled across Taylor's blog a few months ago and Fell.In.Love. First because she is a Chicagoan, which is one of my favorite cities. Second, she is a member of Second City, whom I have seen multiple times...gets better every time! And third, well, she's just plain awesome! Since I'm taking over her blog for a while let me tell you a little bit about me. 

I have this amazing fiance who proposed a few months wedding talk has become popular on my blog lately

Like Taylor I have a fur baby, his name is Dexter (yes, like the show)....and he is a HUGE Bears fan (Da Bears)! By the way, that is probably the only picture collage on this Earth that will make me look tanner than Chet. Thank you Instagram filters.

And I'm a born and raised Iowan and avid Hawkeye fan. We can't say no to a college football game. 

My blog is array of randomness that is my life. ranging from recipes, organization, coffee addictions, Iphone app loving, and just about anything else - so stop by sometime and say 'HI'!


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