The Dirtiest Dog in the World

I really need to get a cleaner best friend.
Gross, I know.
I think this happened on our fourth walk of the day.
(Harlow has me badly whipped again.)
Here I had the decency to let him off his leash once we got to the park, 
and how does he thank me?
By belly flopping into the first mud puddle he could find.
Mind you this is a photo after I had already attempted to clean him off a bit.

And did I mention our apartment was once an 80s coke palace?
Well not really, but you'd think that with all of the white carpet and white walls.
Sometimes I swear if you're really quiet you can actually hear Courtney Love snorting coke off our 
toilet seat. 
And it's a padded toilet seat no less... As if I really even needed to tell you that though.
 the second we walked inside Harlow had to army crawl across every piece of white carpet 
to make sure and leave his mud trail.

Moral of the story: never move into an apartment with a padded toilet seat.
But onto more important things.
Like the lovely girl who is gracing my page today.
She is Cara and she lives in Seattle, and even though she claims to miss California,
she does some pretty awesome things in her current city. And always takes the best pics to document it.
Don't even get me started on her puppy. He is the cutest thing ever.
But I'll let her take over...

Hi there, Daily Tay readers! 
I'm Cara and I blog over at In Search of Sunshine.
If you are looking for a blog about babies, my perfect life and fashion, you should probably pass on this one. I don't have any babies (and I'm trying to keep it that way), my life is DEFINITELY not perfect 
(I eat macaroni and cheese for dinner at least once a week) 
and you will usually find me in jeans and a t-shirt. 
Who has the patience to have someone take a picture of your OOTD every. single. day? Not me. Stripes and plaid together are still out. Sorry, but not sorry.  

I live in Seattle with my boyfriend and our Golden Retriever puppy. He is in his "land shark" phase right now and thinks it's hilarious to hear me scream in pain from his little razor sharp teeth digging into my feet. 
Peanut butter is my weapon against these attacks. 
Completely vicious animal, right?

We moved here from California 2 years ago and I miss the heck out of it. 
Seattle is full of bad drivers, weak sports teams and rain. 
We do, however; have Pike Place Market, Starbucks, great hiking/outdoor activities and no state income tax.

I blog about my life, my adventures, which sometimes happen to be story worthy, the times I try to cook instead of just eating cheese and bread for dinner, my journey with working out and weight loss and the pictures that I'm learning to get better at taking with my fancy DSLR. 
Come on over and read a little more. 
You probably won't be disappointed. 

*disclaimer: This is Taylor again, I took it upon myself to cross out the word "probably"
up above. That wasn't Cara's doing.
Now get over to her site already.


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